QtCipherSqlitePlugin copied to clipboard
Call undeclared function vaeseq_u8 on ARM arch
The Qt version is 6.2.8. On MacOS Ventura with XCode 14.3 not working. But On MacOS Monterey with XCode 14.2 all is working.
This trouble is more fundamental. Somehow it's related to ARM decryption. It's happening on Android too. It's about SQLite3.
This is logs from Android
This trouble not appearing with Qt 6.2.8 and XCode 13.3.1 For everything higher - not working. There are troubles with building SQLite3. Already tried to find solution https://forum.qt.io/topic/145462/iso-c99-and-later-do-not-support-implicit-function-declarations-on-macos-how-to-fix
New update. This trouble happening with Qt 6.2.8 arm64_v8 arch for Android with any version of Qt. All other archs is working. Tested with ndk 22.1 and 25.1 (Qt Creator defaults) and with Qt 6.2.8 and 6.5.0 and 6.5.1 on MacOS with XCode 13.3.1 and 14.2 and 14.3 on Intel and M1 devices.
Could someone write something where to find solution for it?
try this:
macos {
contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, "arm64") {
QMAKE_CFLAGS += -mcpu=apple-m1
} else {
QMAKE_CFLAGS += -march=native
it works for me,Apple M2