The docs says that [device should send its name]( Where did you find what server generates device name?
+1 Finally, I created custom widget where put *tb-dashboard-state* widget.
One way to review the code is to login as a tenant, open the *Widgets library* side menu. Find and open the *Gateway widgets* bundle. Then click *Edit* on one...
I created test gateway device via UI without running any real gateway and add configuration to it via gateway widget. In browser DevTools I see 3 POST request after submitting...
Is the same behaviour when you put device name to metadata and use `${ap}`?
First of all enable *Debug* mode for *Create relation* node and check what data and metadata come in to this node (device name should be in metadata)
There is REST API node, so you could request info about [all customer's users](
Well, maybe I something missed, but there is no direct way to get ID. But you can get it from [device information]( Metadata of rule chain message has `deviceName` field.
I think [this doc]( will help you.
For me your approach works as expected. Here is HTML value card widget with random values. Just copy this to file and import to your dashboard ``` { "widget": {...