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Can't add custom apps to rootcloak
I have a Nexus player running purenexus 6.0.1 and the plus button is missing from rootcloak. I am unable to add any apps. Please help.
Hello, Have you managed to solve the problem? I also missing the plus button. I can just delete the apps, can't add. (MiBox Z28 Android 7.1.2).
Have you looked at the three-dot menu at the top right?
If the plus icon has no space, it should appear there.
Nothing is there. Link to photo: I tried older versions as well, but it don't solve the problem. Thanks for fast response.
Do you have any other way of opening the options menu?
From what I could find on Google, maybe long-pressing the middle button on your remote does the trick (if you use a remote of course - I am not familiar with this kind of devices)?
No there is no other buttons to open the options. Just starting window where I can choice "add remove apps/ Add remove keyword..."etc.
Well, then I have no clue. I've only seen this behavior on android devices with a hardware button for "options".
So either the app has to implement some other way of showing the options or I think upgrading the app to use AppCompat would also work. But these are some rather big changes.
Maybe you are able to configure RootCloak on another device and use something like Titanium Backup to transfer the app-data to your MiBox?
Does this app still work? I think most of us abandoned it because SafetyNet renders this pretty useless.
I guess it still works for basic root check. But yes, as soon as SafetyNet is involved, this app is useless...
[Temp solution]
use file browser (EZ, Solid, whatever)
navigate to /Data/data/com.devadvance.rootcloak2/shared_pref/
Edit CustomizeApps.xml
in my case I add <string>com.tribe.mytribe</string>
save, reboot