SwitchBot-MQTT-BLE-ESP32 copied to clipboard
wifi time out error
I am getting this output when i run the sketch in Arduino-IDE on an Esp-Wroom board "wifi:timeout when WiFi un-init, type=4". The wifiscan sketch example works.
have you started with a fresh arduino install and cleared out the ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries folder ?
you could have a conflicting wifi library
what esp32 model are you using?
using a ESP32-WROOM-32 board. fresh install with these libraries: NimBLE-Arduino, EspMQTTClient. ArduinoJson, CRC32, ArduinoQueue and I had to install PubSubClient-2.8.0 after an error message in compilation.
I'm having same issue (same board - ESP32 devkit v1). I can see in my router's GUI that it keeps re-connecting and then disconnecting over and over.
I tried to set printSerialOutputForDebugging = true but nothing more is shown in monitor. Just this:
Switchbot ESP32 starting...
Starting NimBLE Client
E (1165) wifi:timeout when WiFi un-init, type=4
and that's it.
not sure. I can't reproduce
Does you SSID or password has special or non-alphanumeric characters?
Both are alphanumeric only.