osIROSE-new copied to clipboard
Ammo jems
🐛 Fixes
- Fixed login server crash in debug mode due to uninitialized var.
- PR: #0
- Fixed a bunch of debug build run-time crashes due to uninitialized variables.
- PR: #0
- Fixed windows builds again.
- PR: #0
- Fixed release build errors for breakpad
- PR: #0
- Fixed missing project file error.
- PR: #0
- Fixed issue where the server would read out-of-bounds.
- PR: #0
- fixed server crashing on recving packets
- PR: #0
- Fixed link error
- PR: #0
- fix ninja build error
- PR: #0
- Fix for travis build error
- PR: #0
- Fix cmake config error if you don't have curl or gtest preinstalled/built
- PR: #0
- Fixed mkdir syntax on windows
- PR: #0
- fix for annoying errors that aren't really errors
- PR: #0
- Fix copy paste error
- PR: #0
- fix for windows?
- PR: #0
- Fix for missing breakpad include on windows
- PR: #0
- Fix copy paste error in breakpad module
- PR: #0
- Fixed path to breakpad libs
- PR: #0
- Fix for ninja build errors on windows
- PR: #0
- Fix breakpad module if condition
- PR: #0
- Fix ninja build error on windows
- PR: #0
- Fixed issue where login server would think that a map server is still online
- PR: #0
- Fixed 42 second build time on appveyor
- PR: #0
- Fix yml parse?
- PR: #0
- Fix for 'attempting to reference a deleted function' error
- PR: #0
- Fix cmd error on windows
- PR: #0
- PR: #0
- Fix for crash
- PR: #0
- Fix typo
- PR: #0
- fixed incorrect pathing for taring the test package
- PR: #0
- Fixed webhook urls
- PR: #0
- Fixed curl compile error for visual studio if you aren't using ninja.
- PR: #0
- Fixed Character select issue where the server would log you into the wrong character.
- PR: #0
- Fix appveyor erroring on uploading symbol file
- PR: #0
- Fix small bug
- PR: #0
- Fixed missing libs in appveyor artifact zip
- PR: #0
- Fix make clean trying to delete a system library
- PR: #0
- Fix compiler error on missing sql header files
- PR: #0
- Fix borked script file
- PR: #0
- Fix typo
- PR: #0
- Fixed missing name
- PR: #0
- fix windows compile errors
- PR: #0
- Fix archive name
- PR: #0
- Fixed paths in root.lua
- PR: #0
- Fixed error with distance calc
- PR: #0
- Fixed revive enum values
- PR: #0
- fix sqlpp11 generation trying to generate headers before the exe is created
- PR: #0
- fix date dependency
- PR: #0
- Fix mysql path for travis
- PR: #0
- Fixed projects using incorrect variable names
- PR: #0
- Fixed projects using incorrect variable names
- PR: #0
- Fix travis cmake download url
- PR: #0
- Fixed crash in inventory
- PR: #0
- Fixed wrong equipped items
- PR: #0
- Fixed some stuff
- PR: #0
- Fixed more stoof
- PR: #0
- Fixed crash
- PR: #0
- Fixed mismatching compiler verisons
- PR: #0
- Fixed clang 7 package name
- PR: #0
- Fixed typo in CC compiler
- PR: #0
- Fix typo in cmakelist
- PR: #0
- Fixed issue #138
- PR: #0
- fix ninja not finding libsqlite3.a
- PR: #0
- Fixed some bonuses being added even though they don't have a value
- PR: #0
- fix suite typo for tests
- PR: #0
- fix upload path typo for tests
- PR: #0
- Fix appveyor stuck on terminal
- PR: #0
💬 Other
- Merge branch 'trunk' of https://github.com/dev-osrose/osIROSE-new into trunk
- PR: #0
- Added 3rdparty directory to the pch
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #127 from dev-osrose/L3nn0x-patch-1
- PR: #0
- Updated core dump option for the login server for windows.
- PR: #0
- updated clang-format settings
- PR: #0
- Merge branch 'trunk' into patch
- PR: #0
- Added more packet ids
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #128 from dev-osrose/patch
- PR: #0
- Updated build system
- PR: #0
- Merge branch 'nodes' of https://github.com/dev-osrose/osIROSE-new into nodes
- PR: #0
- updated BuildLua.cmake, forgot to copy *.hpp files on windows
- PR: #0
- Added ninja support on windows
- PR: #0
- Added a script for appveyor to be able to use ninja
- PR: #0
- Added more logging to address bug
- PR: #0
- Updated lua script code with fixed positional data
- PR: #0
- Updated default core dump path for windows
- PR: #0
- Updated create breakpad dir script since it wasn't making the directory structure properly
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #131 from dev-osrose/nodes
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #130 from dev-osrose/crash_fix
- PR: #0
- updated map client on disconnect - this should fix issues!
- PR: #0
- Added the env var for the breakpad server to travis' config
- PR: #0
- Merge branch 'trunk' into id_manager
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #132 from dev-osrose/id_manager
- PR: #0
- Added webhook notification for discord
- PR: #0
- added travis webhook
- PR: #0
- Updated scripts to be able to load correctly in the lua system
- PR: #0
- Merge branch 'trunk' of https://github.com/dev-osrose/osIROSE-new into trunk
- PR: #0
- Updated to only load .lua files
- PR: #0
- Added script path
- PR: #0
- Updated script loader
- PR: #0
- Added packets for npcs
- PR: #0
- Added needed stuff for npcs
- PR: #0
- Added filtering by map id
- PR: #0
- Added all npcs in cities
- PR: #0
- Added command line args
- PR: #0
- Updated
- PR: #0
- Updated npcs to have the correct direction values.
- PR: #0
- Merge trunk
- PR: #0
- Added more stuff
- PR: #0
- Updated all of the NPC scripts to have the dialog IDs
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #133 from dev-osrose/script_loader
- PR: #0
- Added fuzzy matching
- PR: #0
- Added fuzzy matching
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #134 from dev-osrose/fuzzy_matching
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #135 from dev-osrose/use-target-from-basicInfo-instead-of-destination
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #136 from dev-osrose/L3nn0x-patch-1
- PR: #0
- Updated RoseSocket code
- PR: #0
- Added the ability to name a socket
- PR: #0
- Added delayed npc creation; TODO: send packets when npcs are created/deleted
- PR: #0
- Added map manager
- PR: #0
- Added multi port for multi maps
- PR: #0
- Merge network_update
- PR: #0
- Updated root.lua
- PR: #0
- Added warpgate support
- PR: #0
- Added proper gm commands
- PR: #0
- Added teleport command
- PR: #0
- Added a check to see if we're just switching servers
- PR: #0
- Added all of the glue code for nearby
- PR: #0
- Added generic tuple hash for unordered_maps
- PR: #0
- Added more debug
- PR: #0
- Added remove entity from grid
- PR: #0
- Merge branch 'trunk' into map_manager
- PR: #0
- Updated stuff
- PR: #0
- Updated condition for sending data
- PR: #0
- Updated coordinates
- PR: #0
- Updated coordinates
- PR: #0
- Added basic spawners + mobs
- PR: #0
- Added basic random functions
- PR: #0
- Added a comment about unit circle
- PR: #0
- Updated sqlpp11
- PR: #0
- Updated sqlpp11, sqlpp11-mysql, and date
- PR: #0
- Added mediumint unsigned to dll2cpp
- PR: #0
- Updated sqlpp11
- PR: #0
- Updated submodules
- PR: #0
- Updated default config file to include all of the maps!
- PR: #0
- updated some ci build scripts
- PR: #0
- Updated item_db.sql with 127_127na item data
- PR: #0
- Added 127_127na extracted spawn points
- PR: #0
- Added extracted data from 127_127na
- PR: #0
- Merge branch 'monsters' of https://github.com/dev-osrose/osIROSE-new into monsters
- PR: #0
- Updated path to 64 bit compiler env
- PR: #0
- Updated windows section of the readme.
- PR: #0
- Added zuly and gm command access level
- PR: #0
- Added combat system and new packets
- PR: #0
- Added more todo comments for combat system'
- PR: #0
- Added incoming attack and hp request packets
- PR: #0
- Updated combat system to support the new packets
- PR: #0
- Added new packets for the combat system
- PR: #0
- Updated combat system to use new packets
- PR: #0
- Added damage packet
- PR: #0
- Updated combat system
- PR: #0
- Updated damage packet
- PR: #0
- Updated damage packet and component
- PR: #0
- Updated combat system
- PR: #0
- Updated set hp and mp packet
- PR: #0
- Added first pass of hp/mp regen
- PR: #0
- Added new player spawn component
- PR: #0
- Added components and packets to the pch ignore list
- PR: #0
- Added spawn point loading
- PR: #0
- Added the newly exported scripts.
- PR: #0
- Updated spawn scripts
- PR: #0
- Updated lua loader to load the new spawn points
- PR: #0
- Added flatbuffers
- PR: #0
- Added cmake module
- PR: #0
- Updated cmakelist
- PR: #0
- Added as module
- PR: #0
- Updated cmakelist
- PR: #0
- Added byproduct
- PR: #0
- Added dependency
- PR: #0
- updated sqlpp11-connector
- PR: #0
- Updated sqlpp generation module dependency
- PR: #0
- Added a bunch of packets
- PR: #0
- Added more packets
- PR: #0
- Added auto patching of external date lib to allow windows compile
- PR: #0
- Updated build byproduct
- PR: #0
- updated script permissions to be correct
- PR: #0
- added sqlpp11-connector-mysql patch
- PR: #0
- Added more packets
- PR: #0
- Added documentation
- PR: #0
- Added more documentation2
- PR: #0
- Merge branch 'trunk' into monsters
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #139 from dev-osrose/monsters
- PR: #0
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/monsters' into combat
- PR: #0
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into combat
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #140 from dev-osrose/combat
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #142 from rminderhoud/unix-script
- PR: #0
- Updated packets
- PR: #0
- Updated packets
- PR: #0
- Updated stoof
- PR: #0
- Updated packets
- PR: #0
- Updated map manager
- PR: #0
- Added basic components
- PR: #0
- Added simple task dispatching
- PR: #0
- Added SrvSelectCharReply packet
- PR: #0
- Updated packets for defaults
- PR: #0
- Updated packets for defaults
- PR: #0
- Added generic template to transform an array
- PR: #0
- Added 3Ddata for equipped items
- PR: #0
- Updated packets
- PR: #0
- Updated function callbacks
- PR: #0
- Added packet dispatching and an example
- PR: #0
- Updated some packets
- PR: #0
- Added basic character save
- PR: #0
- added update_inventory procedure
- PR: #0
- Updated stoof
- PR: #0
- Merge branch 'trunk' of github.com:dev-osrose/osIROSE-new into trunk
- PR: #0
- Merge branch 'trunk' into npc_data
- PR: #0
- Merge branch 'npc_data' of github.com:dev-osrose/osIROSE-new into npc_data
- PR: #0
- updated packets
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #153 from dev-osrose/npc_data
- PR: #0
- Merge
- PR: #0
- Merge and solved compilation issues
- PR: #0
- Updated packets
- PR: #0
- Added get nearby method
- PR: #0
- Added logs
- PR: #0
- Other stoof
- PR: #0
- Added other name
- PR: #0
- Added basic movement support
- PR: #0
- Added position update
- PR: #0
- Added stop moving packet
- PR: #0
- Updated packets with bool
- PR: #0
- Updated compiler versions
- PR: #0
- Updated moar stoof
- PR: #0
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/flatbuffers' into flatbuffers_travis
- PR: #0
- Added missing source repo
- PR: #0
- updated
- PR: #0
- updated
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #155 from dev-osrose/flatbuffers_travis
- PR: #0
- Added tests to check compiler compatibility
- PR: #0
- Added more compiler tests
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #154 from dev-osrose/flatbuffers
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #156 from dev-osrose/clang-bug
- PR: #0
- Updated code for node server support
- PR: #0
- Added sqlpp11 stl connections for node server
- PR: #0
- Updated connection pool
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #157 from dev-osrose/connection_pool_rework
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #158 from dev-osrose/L3nn0x-patch-1
- PR: #0
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into node_server
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #159 from dev-osrose/L3nn0x-patch-1
- PR: #0
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into node_server
- PR: #0
- updated db names
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #160 from dev-osrose/corrections
- PR: #0
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into node_server
- PR: #0
- Added socket id to the core networking class so we can support multi-socket/encryptions
- PR: #0
- Added moar lua stoof
- PR: #0
- Added first calls to lua
- PR: #0
- Added possibility to cancel callbacks
- PR: #0
- Added basic npc stoof
- PR: #0
- Added outlines of teleport command
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #161 from dev-osrose/node_server
- PR: #0
- Updated comment
- PR: #0
- Updated sol2
- PR: #0
- Added spawners and mobs and finished teleport and cleaned up a bit
- PR: #0
- Merge branch 'trunk' into lua
- PR: #0
- Updated settings for clang
- PR: #0
- Updated mob data
- PR: #0
- Updated stoof
- PR: #0
- Updated speed
- PR: #0
- Merge pull request #162 from dev-osrose/lua
- PR: #0
- Update .appveyor.yml
- PR: #0
- Update deployment keys for travis
- PR: #0
- woo more updates to building
- PR: #0
- Removed annoying cmake message that wasn't useful
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Removed warning
- PR: #0
- Ran clang format on the map server code
- PR: #0
- More formatting.
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Build node server
- PR: #0
- Removed line that shouldn't be there
- PR: #0
- Update rose socket class to support the node server
- PR: #0
- More node server updates
- PR: #0
- This truly fixed the appveyor error.
- PR: #0
- Type is forward declared, we don't need to include the header in the header
- PR: #0
- Update build support scripts
- PR: #0
- This should fix appveyor
- PR: #0
- Update .appveyor.yml
- PR: #0
- Update .appveyor.yml
- PR: #0
- make the folders that the 3rdparty libs will be installed on appveyor
- PR: #0
- Undo prev commit and moved it into msvc_install.bat
- PR: #0
- Converted lua submodule into a cmake module
- PR: #0
- update to the cmake build modules
- PR: #0
- More updates to the build modules.
- PR: #0
- More updates. This should fix the issues with travis
- PR: #0
- Update sol2 version
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Disabled ninja on travis
- PR: #0
- Changed how breakpad copies it's files
- PR: #0
- Force lua to copy the headers before building
- PR: #0
- Changed lua to download the windows version if we are on windows
- PR: #0
- Enable appveyor rdp
- PR: #0
- An attempt to fix curl linking issue on windows
- PR: #0
- Undo previous change to curl
- PR: #0
- Copy built breakpad libs into 3rdparty directory
- PR: #0
- Possible fix for curl lib errors
- PR: #0
- Yet another attempt to fix curl lib issues
- PR: #0
- Update project dependencies
- PR: #0
- Set gtest commit tag so cmake doesn't get confused when running the update command
- PR: #0
- Changed curl to be an interface lib instead of a unknown target
- PR: #0
- Copied breakpad libs into the wrong directory
- PR: #0
- Update travis env varibles
- PR: #0
- Force anything that generates symbols to depend on breakpad install
- PR: #0
- breakpad now copies the libs as part of the build step
- PR: #0
- We don't need to depend on the install step if we install as part of the build
- PR: #0
- Enabled appveyor build cache (somehow it was disabled?)
- PR: #0
- Copy mysql dlls before building
- PR: #0
- Lua will now copy it's dll into the build folder on windows.
- PR: #0
- Forgot generator expressions do not work with the file command
- PR: #0
- forgot about unix
- PR: #0
- This should fix the copy issue
- PR: #0
- Change PATH env on appveyor
- PR: #0
- Use ninja for appveyor
- PR: #0
- Guess it doesn't like PATH in the env section
- PR: #0
- Update .appveyor.yml
- PR: #0
- Update .appveyor.yml
- PR: #0
- Update .appveyor.yml
- PR: #0
- Forgot to adda line to appveyor.yml
- PR: #0
- Update bat permissions
- PR: #0
- call abs path to build script bat file
- PR: #0
- yml is annoying
- PR: #0
- Don't pass the logger command to ninja
- PR: #0
- Disable appveyor debugging
- PR: #0
- update build settings
- PR: #0
- Changed paths for breakpad
- PR: #0
- More output files for breakpad
- PR: #0
- Disable building test in release mode on windows if we are using ninja
- PR: #0
- Commit the changes to the options to the cache
- PR: #0
- Update .appveyor.yml
- PR: #0
- Add more logs in CMapClient::updateSession()
- PR: #0
- Unable to checkout a git commit hash if you shadow clone the repo
- PR: #0
- Remove the character from the map if they are in the process of disconnecting
- PR: #0
- can now build on windows if you are not using ninja
- PR: #0
- clean up some files
- PR: #0
- Update appveyor build cache
- PR: #0
- true fix for gtest error
- PR: #0
- Update uploaded artifact on appveyor to include the scripts dir
- PR: #0
- really love yml
- PR: #0
- I don't even know anymore
- PR: #0
- last try
- PR: #0
- Okay really this is the last time
- PR: #0
- wow... was it really the slash that was causing the issue?
- PR: #0
- Update .appveyor.yml
- PR: #0
- Disabled building tools by default.
- PR: #0
- Update breakpad module to copy the dump_syms so we can generate the symbol table
- PR: #0
- this should fix the issue where windows doesn't generate a crashdmp
- PR: #0
- In a release build on windows, generate the pdb
- PR: #0
- Create crash symbol table tree
- PR: #0
- Ensure the map server's include dir isn't in the pch
- PR: #0
- upload debug symbols in another zip file
- PR: #0
- update breakpad symbols.
- PR: #0
- appveyor seems to have broken their path and no longer include curl by default
- PR: #0
- Now travis will upload it's debug symbols too
- PR: #0
- Update deployment tar
- PR: #0
- Removed extra symbol upload
- PR: #0
- Update README.md
- PR: #0
- Update README.md
- PR: #0
- Update .appveyor.yml
- PR: #0
- Update .travis.yml
- PR: #0
- Create script_loader.h
- PR: #0
- Create script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.h
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.h
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.h
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.h
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.h
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.h
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.h
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.h
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update script_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update config.h
- PR: #0
- Update main.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapserver.h
- PR: #0
- Update config.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapserver.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapserver.cpp
- PR: #0
- Create root.lua
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.h
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapserver.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapserver.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapserver.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.h
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.h
- PR: #0
- Update chatsystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapserver.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapserver.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapserver.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.h
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.h
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Solve compilation issues
- PR: #0
- Send npcs to clients on arrival on map
- PR: #0
- Corrected a silly bug
- PR: #0
- Missing include
- PR: #0
- Corrected bugs
- PR: #0
- Corrected small typo
- PR: #0
- Update
- PR: #0
- Update destination.h
- PR: #0
- Update srv_mousecmd.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update movementsystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update srv_mousecmd.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update movementsystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update issue templates
- PR: #0
- Update bug_report.md
- PR: #0
- Update jenkins build file
- PR: #0
- Moves some functions out of the macros module into their own modules
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.h
- PR: #0
- Update entitycomponents.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update croseserver.h
- PR: #0
- Update croseserver.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update croseserver.h
- PR: #0
- Update croseserver.h
- PR: #0
- Update croseserver.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.h
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cloginclient.h
- PR: #0
- Update cloginclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cloginserver.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update ccharclient.h
- PR: #0
- Update ccharclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update ccharserver.cpp
- PR: #0
- Now everything compiles
- PR: #0
- Corrected the tests
- PR: #0
- Multimaps!
- PR: #0
- Implemented is_nearby
- PR: #0
- Implemented simple warpgate check
- PR: #0
- Update movementsystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update movementsystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Use shutdown instead of disconnect
- PR: #0
- Force close client
- PR: #0
- Update movementsystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Create srv_teleportreply.h
- PR: #0
- Create srv_teleportreply.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update movementsystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Not using rideMode atm, so removing it from the packet
- PR: #0
- Solved a logic bug
- PR: #0
- Update movementsystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update movementsystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entitysystem.h
- PR: #0
- Removed unecessary stuff
- PR: #0
- Merged upstream
- PR: #0
- Corrected a bug
- PR: #0
- Reordered some stuff
- PR: #0
- Sending now the correct id for the character
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Teleport now works
- PR: #0
- Cleaned up code and updated spawner counter when mob is deleted
- PR: #0
- Corrected a bunch of stupid compilation bugs
- PR: #0
- This should solve bugs
- PR: #0
- Switched to use std::chrono everywhere
- PR: #0
- Corrected bugs
- PR: #0
- Solved a few coordinate bugs
- PR: #0
- PR: #0
- Im the process of moving all time-related stuff to callbacks
- PR: #0
- Removed time system
- PR: #0
- Enabled large address aware flag for 32bit windows
- PR: #0
- Merged
- PR: #0
- .
- PR: #0
- .
- PR: #0
- .
- PR: #0
- .
- PR: #0
- .
- PR: #0
- Update build modules for windows x64
- PR: #0
- Make sure the scripts directory is copied into the bin folder.
- PR: #0
- update path to windows x64 compiler
- PR: #0
- Update appveyor paths
- PR: #0
- Switch back to my fork of mysql connector until my changes get merged
- PR: #0
- update 3rdparty cmakelist.txt
- PR: #0
- Remove previous commits change
- PR: #0
- always build lua
- PR: #0
- update lua lib name for windows
- PR: #0
- More lua changes
- PR: #0
- update commit tag id for lua
- PR: #0
- Enable debug for appveyor
- PR: #0
- Update BuildLua.cmake
- PR: #0
- Removed inexistant files
- PR: #0
- Not sending the whole map on login
- PR: #0
- Update .appveyor.yml
- PR: #0
- Solved compilation bug
- PR: #0
- Add more combat system stuff
- PR: #0
- changed name of build artifact to reflect platform
- PR: #0
- First pass of loading spawn points from lua
- PR: #0
- deleted scripts directory
- PR: #0
- More updates to the respawn/combat system
- PR: #0
- Changed temp distance var to float
- PR: #0
- Mobs and npcs will not die on startup
- PR: #0
- Uupdated cmakelist
- PR: #0
- dsdsd
- PR: #0
- Update sqlpp11
- PR: #0
- Clearing out appveyor cache
- PR: #0
- Converted sqlpp11 from submodules to cmake build modules
- PR: #0
- Reordered build module includes
- PR: #0
- Update curl target to match cmake the FindCURL module in the latest cmake git repo
- PR: #0
- update build modules
- PR: #0
- Reverted HinnantDate back to an older version due to macro error in latest
- PR: #0
- Override sqlpp11-connector's cmake module path.
- PR: #0
- Remove build command from date build module
- PR: #0
- update date version
- PR: #0
- Would have been nice if the patch uploaded as well
- PR: #0
- Rename cli_screenschottimereq.fbs to cli_screenshottimereq.fbs
- PR: #0
- Create packets.fbs
- PR: #0
- Update Documentation.md
- PR: #0
- Update database.md
- PR: #0
- Create scripts.md
- PR: #0
- Update Documentation.md
- PR: #0
- Create bot.md
- PR: #0
- Create core.md
- PR: #0
- Create rosecommon.md
- PR: #0
- Create login.md
- PR: #0
- Update bot.md
- PR: #0
- Update crosepacket.h
- PR: #0
- move appveyor to the previous version of vs2017
- PR: #0
- Corrected typo
- PR: #0
- Create srv_billingmsg.h
- PR: #0
- Delete mappackets.h
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Create srv_changemapreply.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update srv_changemapreply.h
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update srv_changemapreply.cpp
- PR: #0
- Delete mappackets.cpp
- PR: #0
- Create srv_serverdata.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update srv_serverdata.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update srv_serverdata.h
- PR: #0
- Build mysql if we don't have mysql installed
- PR: #0
- cmake will now print the version of mysql it's using
- PR: #0
- Corrected a typo
- PR: #0
- Solved compilation bug
- PR: #0
- Update cli_attack.h
- PR: #0
- Update cli_attack.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cli_changemapreq.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cli_changemapreq.h
- PR: #0
- Update cli_channellistreq.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cli_channellistreq.h
- PR: #0
- Update appveyor to use new version of visual studio
- PR: #0
- Add missing deps to unix setup script
- PR: #0
- removed modules that shouldn't be updated from the gitmodules file
- PR: #0
- Update crosesocket.cpp
- PR: #0
- Merged trunk in flatbuffers
- PR: #0
- Solved some bugs
- PR: #0
- Node server + Login server compile
- PR: #0
- Recompiled stoof
- PR: #0
- Map server work
- PR: #0
- Everything compiles now
- PR: #0
- Basic loading
- PR: #0
- Create stamina.h
- PR: #0
- Create pat.h
- PR: #0
- Create guild.h
- PR: #0
- Create faction.h
- PR: #0
- Update level.h
- PR: #0
- Update basic_info.h
- PR: #0
- Update srv_select_char_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update guild.h
- PR: #0
- Update faction.h
- PR: #0
- Update faction.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update item.h
- PR: #0
- Update item.h
- PR: #0
- Create enumerate.h
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update item.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- More packets + loading character
- PR: #0
- small bug
- PR: #0
- Solved a small bug
- PR: #0
- Update srv_select_char_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update position.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update basic_info.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update and rename graphics.h to character_graphics.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update dataconsts.h
- PR: #0
- Update srv_select_char_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update equipped_item.xml
- PR: #0
- Create equipped_position.xml
- PR: #0
- Update srv_char_list_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Now things build
- PR: #0
- Create timed_callback.h
- PR: #0
- Update timed_callback.h
- PR: #0
- Update and rename timed_callback.h to timed_callbacks.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Create packet_dispatcher.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update packet_dispatcher.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update packet_dispatcher.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update packet_dispatcher.h
- PR: #0
- Create fire_once.h
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update timed_callbacks.h
- PR: #0
- Update timed_callbacks.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update packetfactory.cpp
- PR: #0
- Solved stupid bug
- PR: #0
- Update computed_values.h
- PR: #0
- Create client.h
- PR: #0
- Update client.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.h
- PR: #0
- Update croseserver.h
- PR: #0
- Update croseclient.h
- PR: #0
- Update croseclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cloginclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update ccharclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Create nearby.h
- PR: #0
- Update nearby.h
- PR: #0
- Update nearby.h
- PR: #0
- Update nearby.h
- PR: #0
- Create nearby.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update nearby.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update nearby.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update nearby.h
- PR: #0
- Update nearby.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update nearby.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update nearby.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Cleaned up the EntitySystem class
- PR: #0
- moar cleanup
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update basic_info.h
- PR: #0
- Update basic_info.h
- PR: #0
- Update timed_callbacks.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update timed_callbacks.h
- PR: #0
- Update timed_callbacks.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update osirose.sql
- PR: #0
- Update osirose.sql
- PR: #0
- Update ccharclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- solved compilation bugs
- PR: #0
- Update srv_char_list_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update equipped_item.xml
- PR: #0
- Update srv_quest_data.xml
- PR: #0
- Create enums.h
- PR: #0
- Create types.h
- PR: #0
- Update dataconsts.h
- PR: #0
- Update dataconsts.h
- PR: #0
- Update dataconsts.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update normal_chat.cpp
- PR: #0
- Create srv_remove_object.xml
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Create srv_change_map_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update srv_select_char_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update srv_change_map_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update srv_char_list_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update srv_channel_list_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update srv_inventory_data.xml
- PR: #0
- Update srv_login_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update srv_channel_list_reply.xml
- PR: #0
- Update srv_quest_data.xml
- PR: #0
- Create srv_player_char.xml
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- removed trace
- PR: #0
- Create change_map.cpp
- PR: #0
- Updatedd cmake version for travis
- PR: #0
- Updatedd cmake version for travis
- PR: #0
- Ninja builds should now work.
- PR: #0
- Update msvc_build.bat
- PR: #0
- Update item.xml
- PR: #0
- Update equipped_item.xml
- PR: #0
- Update srv_player_char.xml
- PR: #0
- Update item.xml
- PR: #0
- Create cli_change_map_req.xml
- PR: #0
- Update change_map.cpp
- PR: #0
- Create change_map.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update inventory.h
- PR: #0
- Update enums.h
- PR: #0
- Update dataconsts.h
- PR: #0
- Now replying to messages
- PR: #0
- Update change_map.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Create whisper_chat.cpp
- PR: #0
- Create whisper_chat.h
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Create cli_whisper_chat.xml
- PR: #0
- Create srv_whisper_chat.xml
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update change_map.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.h
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update change_map.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Modified as reviewed
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Solved stoof
- PR: #0
- Stoof
- PR: #0
- Sort nearby values
- PR: #0
- Corrected compilation bugs
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update mouse_cmd.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Use ninja
- PR: #0
- All of the ninjas
- PR: #0
- Update clang version to 7.0
- PR: #0
- Update clang to v8
- PR: #0
- Update clang to v9
- PR: #0
- Clang use c++17
- PR: #0
- Clang update
- PR: #0
- Server position matches client position
- PR: #0
- Clang doesn't need to find threads as it's built in
- PR: #0
- update clang
- PR: #0
- change to clang 7
- PR: #0
- update clang
- PR: #0
- seeing if flag will fix clang issue
- PR: #0
- Removed define
- PR: #0
- Update packetfactory.cpp
- PR: #0
- Create gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update TestCompiler.cmake
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update Clang.cmake
- PR: #0
- Changed from sqlpp-connector-stl to sqlite3
- PR: #0
- Moved sqlpp11 base stuff out of the mysql if statement
- PR: #0
- Generate the sessions table header file for sqlite3
- PR: #0
- Create tuple_index.h
- PR: #0
- Update connectionpool.h
- PR: #0
- Update connection.h
- PR: #0
- Update main.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update connectionpool.h
- PR: #0
- Update cloginclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update main.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update connection.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cloginisc.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update main.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update ccharisc.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update ccharclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update main.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapisc.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update itemdb.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update test_login.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update test_mysql_database.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update connectionpool.h
- PR: #0
- Create tuple_iterate.h
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.h
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update normal_chat.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update normal_chat.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update client.h
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update cmapclient.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- More changes for sqlite3 support
- PR: #0
- Changed stoof
- PR: #0
- Setup sqlite3 connection for node server
- PR: #0
- Node server sucessfully does the job for the login server
- PR: #0
- Solve compilation bugs with gm commands
- PR: #0
- Node server works with all 3 servers
- PR: #0
- Deleted unused files from the node server
- PR: #0
- ip auto conf should change the external ip address, not the listen address
- PR: #0
- Stoof
- PR: #0
- Some changesgit status!
- PR: #0
- Optimized the timers implementation
- PR: #0
- Call the lua loader to load all lua
- PR: #0
- Refactoring
- PR: #0
- Solved compilation bugs
- PR: #0
- Npcs are working
- PR: #0
- Warpgates
- PR: #0
- Warpgates now here!
- PR: #0
- Use externalIp
- PR: #0
- Load spawners
- PR: #0
- update item_db.sql
- PR: #0
- another update to item_db.sql
- PR: #0
.> real item_db.sql. Fixed typo
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update gm_commands.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- a few more changes for travis coverage reports
- PR: #0
- stoof
- PR: #0
- Teleportation works
- PR: #0
- Update warpgate data
- PR: #0
- Update warpgate.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.h
- PR: #0
- Update lua_loader.cpp
- PR: #0
- stoof
- PR: #0
- Project now compiles with ming-w64 on windows.
- PR: #0
- another change for appveyor
- PR: #0
- update appveyor
- PR: #0
- Update warpgate.h
- PR: #0
- Update entity_system.cpp
- PR: #0
- stoof
- PR: #0
- Update warpgate.h
- PR: #0
- Update warpgate.h
- PR: #0
- Warpgates work
- PR: #0
- Make test step less verbose
- PR: #0