GYPageViewController copied to clipboard
Implementation a page view controller with scroll view. To solve 2 Problems of UIPageViewController and take the place of UIPageViewController.
中文博客: UIPageViewController缺陷 UIPageViewContorller替换方案
A page view controller instead of UIPageViewController. It manages the child controllers' life cycles as same as UIPageViewController.
Solve UIPageViewController bug which child controller is navigated to a wrong index
一个简单的UIPageViewController替代方案,主要目的是解决UIPageViewController的bug及其不完善解决方案导致的线上偶现崩溃顽疾。 能够完全模拟UIPageViewController对child controllers的生命周期管理,区分开will、did的调用时机。并且可以在快速连续切换时也保证生命周期的正常调用(UIPageViewController有bug,快速连续切换生命周期顺序错乱)
Support cache function to maintain child controllers usually used in order to avoid adding/removing child controllers frequently and make a lower CPU resource occupation. Cache limit can be set freely.
支持缓存方案,避免没必要调用dataSource方法;保证内存占用量可控。即降低页面切换add/remove child controllers带来的性能损耗。
Support animation between two pages which are nonadjacent like UIPageViewController. Also do some work about frequent changing and animation interrupting. Most third party page view controller do not support this function.
Support fast continous interactive or non-interactive page changing with perfect life cycle management and cache cleaning. UIPageViewController can not do well at this point.
- GYPageViewController can manages the child controllers and support navigation with invoking method and user interaction.
- GYTabPageViewController adds a segmented control bar to the page view for the user to change index.
let vc = GYPageViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
vc.showPageAtIndex(2, animated: false)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
let vc = GYTabPageViewController(pageTitles: titlesArray)
vc.showPageAtIndex(2, animated: false)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
iOS >= 7
Copy codes now, will add to git specs soon.
Email:[email protected] GaoYu