WrapYoutubeDl copied to clipboard
Post-processing tasks aren't run
After a video is downloaded, the file has missing metadata. Using the command line to call youtube-dl, I used the following arguments taken from line 67 of AudioDownloader.cs:
var arguments = string.Format(@"--continue --no-overwrites --restrict-filenames --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 {0} -o ""{1}""", url, destinationPath); //--ignore-errors
after the download, the final line of output is:
[ffmpeg] Post-process file C:\path_to_file\test.mp3 exists, skipping
it seems this is happening because the arguments include the path to filename. Ideally it should create an intermediate file, probably .webm or .m4a or something, then run post tasks, then create the .mp3 file, but if it creates the .mp3 file to begin with you'll get the above error saying the file exists