xclean icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
xclean copied to clipboard

Simple tool to clean some of the stuff created by XCode


Simple tool to clean some of the stuff created by XCode.
Looks at next locations and tries to remove some of the stuff located here:

~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport


brew install deszip/tools/xclean


usage: xclean [-l] <TARGET> [-r] <TARGET> [-t] <TIMEOUT>

-l <TARGET>    Lists files that could be relatively safely removed.
               Pass target name to list only it. Available targets: DerivedData, Archives, DeviceSupport, CoreSimulator.
               If no value passed - uses all targets.
-r <TARGET>    Removes files listed by -l
-t <TIMEOUT>   Sets interval for assuming file is old.
               -r and -l will process only files with last access date older than timeout
-v             Print the version of the application

Some examples:

  • List all targets showing info on how much space could be freed
    xclean -l
  • Same as above but only for derived data
    xclean -l DerivedData
  • Removes all derived data older than an hour
    xclean -r DerivedData -t 3600




If you have improvements or concerns, feel free to post an issue and write details.