shulker copied to clipboard
Getting error unable to authenticate with Rcon, definitely attempting to connect as can see all the connections starting and ending in the log however it's not authenticating and is giving the error message in title.
This is stopping all messages from Discord not to post to the server.
Password is correct.
`[INFO] Using the Discord bot to send messages
[INFO] Using configuration for local log file at "/home/mcserver/serverfiles/logs/latest.log"
[INFO] Authenticated with IP:25575
[ERROR] Could not send password to Rcon server!
RangeError [ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS]: Attempt to write outside buffer bounds
at boundsError (internal/buffer.js:47:11)
at checkBounds (internal/buffer.js:30:5)
at checkInt (internal/buffer.js:37:3)
at writeU_Int32LE (internal/buffer.js:647:3)
at Buffer.writeInt32LE (internal/buffer.js:816:10)
at Rcon.sendPackage (/home/mcserver/shulker/build/Rcon.js:144:14)
at Rcon.<anonymous> (/home/mcserver/shulker/build/Rcon.js:110:61)
at step (/home/mcserver/shulker/build/Rcon.js:33:23)
at (/home/mcserver/shulker/build/Rcon.js:14:53)
at /home/mcserver/shulker/build/Rcon.js:8:71
[ERROR] Could not auth with the server!
RangeError [ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS]: Attempt to write outside buffer bounds
at boundsError (internal/buffer.js:47:11)
at checkBounds (internal/buffer.js:30:5)
at checkInt (internal/buffer.js:37:3)
at writeU_Int32LE (internal/buffer.js:647:3)
at Buffer.writeInt32LE (internal/buffer.js:816:10)
at Rcon.sendPackage (/home/mcserver/shulker/build/Rcon.js:144:14)
at Rcon.<anonymous> (/home/mcserver/shulker/build/Rcon.js:110:61)
at step (/home/mcserver/shulker/build/Rcon.js:33:23)
at (/home/mcserver/shulker/build/Rcon.js:14:53)
at /home/mcserver/shulker/build/Rcon.js:8:71
[DEBUG] Sending command "/tellraw @a [{"color": "white", "text": "<username> Working really?"}]" to the server
Unexpected rcon response -1 2
[DEBUG] Received [04:24:02] [RCON Listener #2/INFO]: Thread RCON Client /IP started
[DEBUG] Regex could not match the string:
Received: "[04:24:02] [RCON Listener #2/INFO]: Thread RCON Client /IP started", Regex matches lines that start with: "\[Server thread/INFO\] \[.*\]:"
[ERROR] Could not send command!
Server sent no request in 5 seconds
[DEBUG] Rcon closed!
[DEBUG] Received [04:24:07] [RCON Client /IP #13/INFO]: Thread RCON Client /IP shutting down
[DEBUG] Regex could not match the string:
Received: "[04:24:07] [RCON Client /IP #13/INFO]: Thread RCON Client /IP shutting down", Regex matches lines that start with: "\[Server thread/INFO\] \[.*\]:"
Apologies for the delay. Could you provide what server version and/or software you were running? Not sure what is the problem here.