csgo-cheat-base copied to clipboard
Advanced ESP
so uh i worked on esp for a while and it works with this base so ima give it to you guys
its box esp with a dynamic health and armor bar including text and flags
its not the best and the flags esp does need to be updated but i thought id help a lot of you out with this
`bool get_playerbox(player_t* ent, box& in) { vec3_t origin, min, max, flb, brt, blb, frt, frb, brb, blt, flt; float left, top, right, bottom;
origin = ent->abs_origin();
min = ent->collideable()->mins() + origin;
max = ent->collideable()->maxs() + origin;
vec3_t points[] = {
vec3_t(min.x, min.y, min.z),
vec3_t(min.x, max.y, min.z),
vec3_t(max.x, max.y, min.z),
vec3_t(max.x, min.y, min.z),
vec3_t(max.x, max.y, max.z),
vec3_t(min.x, max.y, max.z),
vec3_t(min.x, min.y, max.z),
vec3_t(max.x, min.y, max.z)
if (!interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[3], flb) || !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[5], brt)
|| !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[0], blb) || !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[4], frt)
|| !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[2], frb) || !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[1], brb)
|| !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[6], blt) || !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[7], flt))
return false;
vec3_t arr[] = { flb, brt, blb, frt, frb, brb, blt, flt };
left = flb.x;
top = flb.y;
right = flb.x;
bottom = flb.y;
for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
if (left > arr[i].x)
left = arr[i].x;
if (bottom < arr[i].y)
bottom = arr[i].y;
if (right < arr[i].x)
right = arr[i].x;
if (top > arr[i].y)
top = arr[i].y;
in.x = (int)left;
in.y = (int)top;
in.w = int(right - left);
in.h = int(bottom - top);
return true;
} void ESP::player_rendering(player_t* entity){ if ((entity->dormant())) return;
player_info_t info;
interfaces::engine->get_player_info(entity->index(), &info);
box bbox;
if (!get_playerbox(entity, bbox))
auto red = variables::ESP::BoxR;
auto green = variables::ESP::BoxG;
auto blue = variables::ESP::BoxB;
if (variables::ESP::BoxESP)
if (variables::ESP::BoxSelect == 0)
render::draw_outline(bbox.x - 1, bbox.y - 1, bbox.w + 2, bbox.h + 2, color(1, 1, 1, 255));
render::draw_rect(bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.w, bbox.h, color(red, green, blue));
render::draw_outline(bbox.x + 1, bbox.y + 1, bbox.w - 2, bbox.h - 2, color(1, 1, 1, 255));
else {
render::draw_corner_box(bbox.x + 1, bbox.y + 1, bbox.w - 2, bbox.h - 2, color(0, 0, 0, 255));
render::draw_corner_box(bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.w, bbox.h, color(red, green, blue, 255));
if (variables::ESP::HealthESP) {
box temp(bbox.x - 5, bbox.y + (bbox.h - bbox.h * (utilities::math::clamp_value<int>(entity->health(), 0, 100.f) / 100.f)), 1, bbox.h * (utilities::math::clamp_value<int>(entity->health(), 0, 100) / 100.f) - (entity->health() >= 100 ? 0 : -1));
box temp_bg(bbox.x - 5, bbox.y, 1, bbox.h);
auto health_color = color((255 - entity->health() * 2.55), (entity->health() * 2.55), 0, 255);
std::string healthStr = std::to_string(entity->health());
if (entity->health() > 100)
health_color = color(0, 255, 0);
render::draw_filled_rect(temp_bg.x - 1, temp_bg.y - 1, temp_bg.w + 2, temp_bg.h + 2, color(0, 0, 0, 255));
render::draw_filled_rect(temp.x, temp.y, temp.w, temp.h, color(health_color));
if (variables::ESP::ArmorESP)
box temp(bbox.x, bbox.y + bbox.h + 5, bbox.w * (utilities::math::clamp_value<int>(entity->armor(), 0, 100) / 100.f) - (entity->armor() >= 100 ? 0 : -1), 1);
box temp_bg(bbox.x, bbox.y + bbox.h + 5, bbox.w, 1);
render::draw_filled_rect(temp_bg.x - 1, temp_bg.y - 1, temp_bg.w + 2, temp_bg.h + 2, color(1, 1, 1, 255));
render::draw_filled_rect(temp.x, temp.y, temp.w, temp.h, color(87, 144, 250));
if (variables::ESP::NameESP) {
auto red = variables::ESP::NameR;
auto green = variables::ESP::NameG;
auto blue = variables::ESP::NameB;
std::string print(info.fakeplayer ? std::string("[BOT] ").append(info.name).c_str() : info.name);
std::transform(print.begin(), print.end(), print.begin(), ::tolower);
render::text(bbox.x + (bbox.w / 2), bbox.y - 13, render::fonts::watermark_font, print, true, color(red, green, blue, 255));
if (variables::ESP::FlagsESP)
std::string Money = std::to_string(entity->money());
std::string HK = std::to_string(entity->has_heavy_armor());
std::string Flashed = std::to_string(entity->is_flashed());
std::string IsDefusing = std::to_string(entity->is_defusing());
std::string IsScoped = std::to_string(entity->is_scoped());
int MoneyH = render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, "$" + Money).y;
int HKH = render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, HK).y;
int FlashedH = render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, Flashed).y;
int DefusingH = render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, IsDefusing).y;
int ScopedH = render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, IsScoped).y;
if (entity->has_heavy_armor())
HK = "HK";
else {
HK = "";
HKH = 0;
if (entity->is_flashed())
Flashed = "Flashed";
else {
Flashed = "";
FlashedH = 0;
if (entity->is_defusing())
IsDefusing = "Defusing!";
else {
IsDefusing = "";
DefusingH = 0;
if (entity->is_scoped())
IsScoped = "Scoped";
else {
IsScoped = "";
ScopedH = 0;
MoneyH = render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, "$" + Money).y;
HKH = render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, HK).y;
FlashedH = render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, Flashed).y;
DefusingH = render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, IsDefusing).y;
ScopedH = render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, IsScoped).y;
if (entity->health() <= 4)
render::text(bbox.x + (bbox.w / 2), bbox.y + bbox.h + 10, render::fonts::watermark_font, "Flash Kill", true, color::fadedCherryRed());
render::text(bbox.x + bbox.w + 5, bbox.y + 2, render::fonts::watermark_font, "$" + Money, false, color(77, 219, 115)); //money
render::text(bbox.x + bbox.w + 5, bbox.y + 2 + MoneyH + 2, render::fonts::watermark_font, HK, false, color(87, 144, 250)); //hk
render::text(bbox.x + bbox.w + 5, bbox.y + 2 + MoneyH + 2 + HKH + 2, render::fonts::watermark_font, Flashed, false, color::white()); //flashed
render::text(bbox.x + bbox.w + 5, bbox.y + 2 + MoneyH + 2 + HKH + 2 + FlashedH + 2, render::fonts::watermark_font, IsDefusing, false, color(250, 129, 125)); //is defusing
render::text(bbox.x + bbox.w + 5, bbox.y + 2 + MoneyH + 2 + HKH + 2 + FlashedH + 2 + DefusingH + 2, render::fonts::watermark_font, IsScoped, false, color::white()); //is scoped
} void ESP::run() { auto local_player = reinterpret_cast<player_t*>(interfaces::entity_list->get_client_entity(interfaces::engine->get_local_player()));
if (!variables::ESP::Enabled)
if (!local_player)
for (int i = 1; i <= interfaces::globals->max_clients; i++) {
auto entity = reinterpret_cast<player_t*>(interfaces::entity_list->get_client_entity(i));
if (!entity)
if (entity == local_player)
if (entity->health() <= 0)
if (entity->team() == local_player->team() && !variables::ESP::Team)
if (!local_player->can_see_player_pos(entity, entity->get_eye_pos()) && variables::ESP::VisibleOnly)
const int fade = (int)((6.66666666667f * interfaces::globals->frame_time) * 255);
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces::entity_list->get_highest_index(); i++) {
auto entity = reinterpret_cast<player_t*>(interfaces::entity_list->get_client_entity(i));
if (entity && entity != local_player) {
auto client_class = entity->client_class();
auto model_name = interfaces::model_info->get_model_name(entity->model());
namespace ESP { void run(); void player_rendering(player_t* entity); void skeleton(player_t* entity); void healthesp(); void armoresp(); void thirdperson(); }
then in the "MatSystemTopPanel" case
make sure its above menu render or your esp will render on top of your menu lmao
Dude, the "flags esp" is almost painful to see.
Use std::vector
(or use it with std::pair
if you want to include colors)
few examples:
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, color>> de_flags;
//enemy has money (if enemy has no money ( $0 ), it wont appear)
if ( cl_ent->money() )
de_flags.push_back( std::pair<std::string, color>(std::string( "$" ).append( std::to_string( cl_ent->money() ) ), color( 120, 180, 10 ) ) );
//enemy is scoped
if ( cl_ent->is_scoped() )
de_flags.push_back( std::pair<std::string, color>( std::string( "ZOOM" ), color( 80, 160, 200 ) ) );
//enemy is a bot
if ( info.fakeplayer )
de_flags.push_back( std::pair<std::string, color>( std::string( "BOT" ), color( 80, 160, 200 ) ) );
//yeah ;(
auto position = 0;
for (auto text : de_flags)
// x, y, font, text, align ( left, right, center ), color
g_renderer::text( box.x + box.w + 3, box.y + position, g_renderer::font_flag, text.first, 0, text.second );
// 🤔 should be using text_height there hehe
position += 10;
Dude, the "flags esp" is almost painful to see. Use
(or use it withstd::pair
if you want to include colors) few examples:std::vector<std::pair<std::string, color>> de_flags; //enemy has money (if enemy has no money ( $0 ), it wont appear) if ( cl_ent->money() ) de_flags.push_back( std::pair<std::string, color>(std::string( "$" ).append( std::to_string( cl_ent->money() ) ), color( 120, 180, 10 ) ) ); //enemy is scoped if ( cl_ent->is_scoped() ) de_flags.push_back( std::pair<std::string, color>( std::string( "ZOOM" ), color( 80, 160, 200 ) ) ); //enemy is a bot if ( info.fakeplayer ) de_flags.push_back( std::pair<std::string, color>( std::string( "BOT" ), color( 80, 160, 200 ) ) ); //yeah ;( auto position = 0; for (auto text : de_flags) { // x, y, font, text, align ( left, right, center ), color g_renderer::text( box.x + box.w + 3, box.y + position, g_renderer::font_flag, text.first, 0, text.second ); // 🤔 should be using text_height there hehe position += 10; }
alright will do, the flags esp was rushed tbh and doesnt even work correctly so i will rework it with vector and pair as you said, thanks
if (!interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[3], flb) || !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[5], brt) || !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[0], blb) || !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[4], frt) || !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[2], frb) || !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[1], brb) || !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[6], blt) || !interfaces::debug_overlay->world_to_screen(points[7], flt)) return false;
u can loop through these in a for loop to not make it ugly...
can you send "box"?