csgo-cheat-base copied to clipboard
color picker for your shitty hack
`void menu_framework::color_picker ( int x, int y, int position, std::string string, color& output_value, bool& toggle ) { GetCursorPos ( &cursor ); const auto [rain_r, rain_g, rain_b] { utilities::draw_rainbow ( 1.f ) }; auto in_bounds = mouse_in_range ( position - 4, y, 15, 10 );
render::text ( x, y, render::fonts::watermark_font, string, false, color::white ( ) );
render::draw_filled_rect ( position - 4, y, 15, 10, color ( output_value.r, output_value.g, output_value.b ) );
render::draw_rect ( position - 4, y, 15, 10, in_bounds ? color ( rain_r * 255, rain_g * 255, rain_b * 255 ) : color ( 50, 50, 50 ) );
if ( in_bounds && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) & 1 ) {
toggle = true;
if ( toggle ) {
static float h = 1.f, s = 1.f, v = 1.f, a = 1.f;
static float v_2 = 1.f;
static int r = output_value.r, g = output_value.g, b = output_value.b;
static float clr_r = r / 255, clr_g = g / 255, clr_b = b / 255;
color_convert_hsv_to_rgb ( h, s, v, clr_r, clr_g, clr_b );
int cp_x = variables::menu::x + variables::menu::w + 10;
int cp_render_x = variables::menu::x + variables::menu::w + 15;
int cp_y = variables::menu::y;
int cp_render_y = variables::menu::y + 5;
int cp_w = 150;
int cp_main_w = 175;
int cp_main_h = 200;
int cp_h = 150;
int button_y = cp_render_y + 150 + 20;
int hsv_x = cp_render_x + cp_w + 5;
if ( !mouse_in_range ( cp_x, cp_y, cp_main_w, cp_main_h ) && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) & 1 )
toggle = false;
static float full_sat_r, full_sat_g, full_sat_b;
color_convert_hsv_to_rgb ( h, 1.f, 1.f, full_sat_r, full_sat_g, full_sat_b );
render::draw_filled_rect ( cp_x, cp_y, cp_main_w, cp_main_h, color ( 25, 25, 25 ) );
render::draw_outline ( cp_x, cp_y, cp_main_w, cp_main_h, color ( 50, 50, 50 ) );
render::rect_fade ( cp_render_x, cp_render_y, cp_w, cp_h, color ( 255, 255, 255 ), color ( full_sat_r * 255, full_sat_g * 255, full_sat_b * 255 ), true, true );
render::rect_fade ( cp_render_x, cp_render_y + ( cp_h / 2 ), cp_w, cp_h / 2, color ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), color ( 0, 0, 0 ), false, true );
//hsv rainbow gay pride thing ;D
const color col_hues [6 + 1] = { color ( 255,0,0,255 ), color ( 255,255,0,255 ), color ( 0,255,0,255 ), color ( 0,255,255,255 ), color ( 0,0,255,255 ), color ( 255,0,255,255 ), color ( 255,0,0,255 ) };
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
render::rect_fade ( hsv_x, cp_render_y + ( ( 150 / 6 ) * i ), 10, 150 / 6, col_hues [i], col_hues [i + 1], false, true );
render::rect_fade ( cp_render_x, cp_render_y + cp_h + 5, 150, 10, color ( 0, 0, 0 ), color::white ( ), true, false );
//main math
auto main_box_in_bounds = mouse_in_range ( cp_render_x, cp_render_y, 150, 150 );
auto hsv_box_in_bounds = mouse_in_range ( hsv_x, cp_render_y, 10, 150 );
auto alpha_in_bounds = mouse_in_range ( cp_render_x, cp_render_y + cp_h + 5, 150, 10 );
render::draw_rect ( cp_render_x, cp_render_y, 150, 150, main_box_in_bounds ? color ( rain_r * 255, rain_g * 255, rain_b * 255 ) : color ( 50, 50, 50 ) );
render::draw_rect ( hsv_x, cp_render_y, 10, 150, hsv_box_in_bounds ? color ( rain_r * 255, rain_g * 255, rain_b * 255 ) : color ( 50, 50, 50 ) );
render::draw_rect ( cp_render_x, cp_render_y + cp_h + 5, 150, 10, alpha_in_bounds ? color ( rain_r * 255, rain_g * 255, rain_b * 255 ) : color ( 50, 50, 50 ) );
if ( main_box_in_bounds && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) ) {
s = ( cursor.x - cp_render_x ) / ( float ( 150 ) / float ( 1 ) );
if ( main_box_in_bounds && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) ) {
v = 1 - ( cursor.y - cp_render_y ) / ( float ( 150 ) / float ( 1 ) );
v_2 = ( cursor.y - cp_render_y ) / ( float ( 150 ) / float ( 1 ) );
if ( hsv_box_in_bounds && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) ) {
h = ( cursor.y - cp_render_y ) / ( float ( 150 ) / float ( 1 ) );
if ( alpha_in_bounds && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) ) {
a = ( cursor.x - cp_render_x ) / ( float ( 150 ) / float ( 1 ) );
output_value.r = clr_r * 255; output_value.g = clr_g * 255; output_value.b = clr_b * 255; output_value.a = a * 255;
//indicator thingys
render::draw_rect ( cp_render_x + ( s * 150 ) - 2, cp_render_y + ( v_2 * 150 ) - 2, 6, 6, color ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
render::draw_rect ( hsv_x, cp_render_y + ( h * 150 ), 10, 5, color ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
render::draw_rect ( cp_render_x + ( a * 150 ) - 2, cp_render_y + cp_h + 5, 5, 10, color ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
//copy & pasting function
auto copy_in_bounds = mouse_in_range ( cp_render_x, button_y, cp_main_w / 2 - 7.5, 20 );
auto paste_in_bounds = mouse_in_range ( cp_render_x + cp_main_w / 2 + 2.5, button_y, cp_main_w / 2 - 7.5, 20 );
render::draw_filled_rect ( cp_render_x, button_y, cp_main_w / 2 - 7.5, 20, color ( 20, 20, 20 ) );
render::draw_rect ( cp_render_x, button_y, cp_main_w / 2 - 7.5, 20, copy_in_bounds ? color ( rain_r * 255, rain_g * 255, rain_b * 255 ) : color ( 50, 50, 50 ) );
render::draw_filled_rect ( cp_render_x + cp_main_w / 2, button_y, cp_main_w / 2 - 7.5, 20, color ( 20, 20, 20 ) );
render::draw_rect ( cp_render_x + cp_main_w / 2, button_y, cp_main_w / 2 - 7.5, 20, paste_in_bounds ? color ( rain_r * 255, rain_g * 255, rain_b * 255 ) : color ( 50, 50, 50 ) );
render::text ( cp_render_x + ( ( cp_main_w / 2 - 7.5 ) / 2 ), button_y + 3, render::fonts::watermark_font, "Copy", true, copy_in_bounds ? color ( rain_r * 255, rain_g * 255, rain_b * 255 ) : color ( 125, 125, 125 ) );
render::text ( cp_render_x + cp_main_w / 2 + ( ( cp_main_w / 2 - 7.5 ) / 2 ), button_y + 3, render::fonts::watermark_font, "Paste", true, paste_in_bounds ? color ( rain_r * 255, rain_g * 255, rain_b * 255 ) : color ( 125, 125, 125 ) );
if ( copy_in_bounds && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) & 1 ) {
variables::last_copied_color = output_value;
if ( paste_in_bounds && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) & 1 ) {
output_value = variables::last_copied_color;
clr_r = variables::last_copied_color.r;
clr_g = variables::last_copied_color.g;
clr_b = variables::last_copied_color.b;
`void color_convert_hsv_to_rgb ( float h, float s, float v, float& out_r, float& out_g, float& out_b ) { if ( s == 0.0f ) { // gray out_r = out_g = out_b = v; return; }
h = ImFmod ( h, 1.0f ) / ( 60.0f / 360.0f );
int i = ( int ) h;
float f = h - ( float ) i;
float p = v * ( 1.0f - s );
float q = v * ( 1.0f - s * f );
float t = v * ( 1.0f - s * ( 1.0f - f ) );
switch ( i ) {
case 0: out_r = v; out_g = t; out_b = p; break;
case 1: out_r = q; out_g = v; out_b = p; break;
case 2: out_r = p; out_g = v; out_b = t; break;
case 3: out_r = p; out_g = q; out_b = v; break;
case 4: out_r = t; out_g = p; out_b = v; break;
case 5: default: out_r = v; out_g = p; out_b = q; break;
this is retarded
this shit some ass nigga 💀💀😭
this shit some ass nigga 💀💀😭
ok retard dint ask +ratio +cope +idc +posted at 4am and made at 4am stupid