I still can't click start with the latest ruffle from 11.10
Been a while. This game seems to work now.
Error still persists. Maybe it's related to 2-3 other games I found where you can't click the Play-button..
I couldn't start Doeo! on Newgrounds and in Woobies not only the Buttons are undefined every "Woobie" got the same color for me :) - Orchestrated Death 2 -... - Stones Masters - Instant Win and freeze with errors
I think all of the games should work by now mostly.
Sorry the bug is only the transmorph. They must not be removed from the grid...
This game works worse than before at moment. Dunno if there was some kind of partial integration. But one could play before and the cards were mixed correctly. Only problem...
still open as of today :(
Still open. Maybe this error is connected to it : core/src/display_object/ Error occured when running AVM2 frame script: TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. (accessing...