greyjoy.nvim copied to clipboard
Launcher for Neovim
What is greyjoy
is a pluggable pattern/file based launcher/runner.
Greyjoy per default uses so the settings from (telescope, dressing etc.) menu will reflect it. But there is also support for telescope (requires telescope) and a fzf (requires fzf-lua)
Integration with toggleterm is also provided.
Neovim 0.10+ is required
Toggleterm (Optional)
Telescope + Plenary (Optional but UI is more responsive)
Fzf-lua (Optional)
Using lazy (A more comprehensive example can be found in the documentation)
keys = {
{ "<Leader>gr", "<cmd>Greyjoy<CR>", desc = "[G]reyjoy [r]un" },
{ "<Leader>gt", "<cmd>GreyjoyTelescope<CR>", desc = "[G]reyjoy [t]elescope" },
{ "<Leader>gg", "<cmd>GreyjoyFzf fast<CR>", desc = "[G]reyjoy fast [g]roup" },
{ "<Leader>ge", "<cmd>Greyedit<CR>", desc = "[G]reyjoy [e]edit before run" },
dependencies = {
{ "akinsho/toggleterm.nvim" }, -- Optional
{ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, -- Optional
{ "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" }, -- Optional
cmd = { "Greyjoy", "Greyedit", "GreyjoyTelescope", "GreyjoyFzf" },
config = function()
local greyjoy = require("greyjoy")
local condition = require("greyjoy.conditions")
output_results = require("greyjoy.terminals").term,
-- output_results = require("greyjoy.terminals").toggleterm,
last_first = true,
extensions = {
generic = {
commands = {
["run {filename}"] = { command = { "python3", "{filename}" }, filetype = "python" },
["build main.go"] = {
command = { "go", "build", "main.go" },
filetype = "go",
filename = "main.go",
["zig build"] = {
command = { "zig", "build" },
filetype = "zig",
["cmake -S . -B target"] = {
command = { "cmake", "-S", ".", "-B", "target" },
condition = function(n)
return condition.file_exists("CMakeLists.txt", n)
and not condition.directory_exists("target", n)
kitchen = { group_id = 2, targets = { "converge", "verify", "destroy", "test" }, include_all = false },
docker_compose = { group_id = 3 },
cargo = { group_id = 4 },
run_groups = { fast = { "generic", "makefile", "cargo", "docker_compose" } },
greyjoy.load_extension("cargo") -- optional
greyjoy.load_extension("docker_compose") -- optional
greyjoy.load_extension("generic") -- optional
greyjoy.load_extension("kitchen") -- optional
greyjoy.load_extension("makefile") -- optional
greyjoy.load_extension("vscode_tasks") -- optional
Once installed and reloaded you can use :Greyjoy
or :GreyjoyTelescope
to run it or Greyjoy/GreyjoyTelescope <pluginname or group name>
. If you need to edit a command (like adding a variable or option) you can use :Greyedit
(Works with group and plugins as parameter too).
So in the above example its possible to run the generic and makefile plugin by running :Greyjoy fast
or if you only wanted to run the makefile plugin you could do :Greyjoy makefile
Default settings
ui = {
buffer = { -- width and height for the buffer output
width = math.ceil(math.min(vim.o.columns, math.max(80, vim.o.columns - 20))),
height = math.ceil(math.min(vim.o.lines, math.max(20, vim.o.lines - 10))),
toggleterm = { -- by default no size is defined for the toggleterm by
-- greyjoy.nvim it will be dependent on the user configured size for toggle
-- term.
size = nil,
term = {
height = 5,
telescope = {
keys = {
select = "<CR>", -- enter
edit = "<C-e>", -- CTRL-e
toggleterm = {
-- default_group_id can be a number or a function that takes a string as parameter.
-- The string passed as parameter is the name of the plugin so its possible to do logic based
-- on plugin name and function should always return a number like:
-- default_group_id = function(plugin) return 1 end
default_group_id = 1,
enable = true,
border = "rounded", -- style for vim.ui.selector
style = "minimal",
show_command = false, -- show command to run in menu
show_command_in_output = true, -- show command that was just executed in output
patterns = {".git", ".svn"}, -- patterns to find the root of the project
output_result = "buffer", -- buffer or to toggleterm
extensions = {}, -- no extensions are loaded per default
last_first = false, -- make sure last option is first on next run, not persistant
run_groups = {}, -- no groups configured per default
overrides = {}, -- make global overrides
Per default all plugins use the same terminal but this behaviour (if you are using toggleterm
) can be overridden by either grouping the plugins to a specific group_id
or create a function to assign number based on plugin name.
So if you want all plugins to run under id id
(default) but the docker_compose
you would like to have another group you can configure it via
extensions = {
docker_compose = { group_id = 2 },
and now all docker compose's exec is running in a secondary terminal (group_id 2) and all the others in group_id 1
Default greyjoy
does not have any extensions enabled.
extension is a global module that does not take into account if we are in a project (found via the patterns). Commands to run can be matched using filetype
, filename
, filepath
generic = {
commands = {
["run {filename}"] = {
command = {"python3", "{filename}"},
filetype = "python",
filename = ""
["run {filename}"] = {
command = {"go", "run", "{filename}"},
filetype = "go"
["cmake --build target"] = {
command = { "cd", "{rootdir}", "&&", "cmake", "--build", "{rootdir}/target" },
condition = function(n)
return condition.file_exists("CMakeLists.txt", n)
and condition.directory_exists("target", n)
["cmake -S . -B target"] = {
command = { "cd", "{rootdir}", "&&", "cmake", "-S", ".", "-B", "{rootdir}/target" },
condition = function(n)
return condition.file_exists("CMakeLists.txt", n)
and not condition.directory_exists("target", n)
The generic module can substitute current variables
variable | expands to |
{filename} | current filename |
{filepath} | path of current file |
{rootdir} | path of root (containing patterns like .git) |
The above example is only triggered if a file is of type python
and the filename matches
The makefile
extension is filebased and will only trigger if a Makefile
is located in the project root. It finds all targets for a Makefile
requires make
and awk
to work.
The vscode_tasks
extension is filebased and will only trigger if .vscode/tasks.json
exists in the project root
The kitchen
extension is also filebased and looks for .kitchen.yml
and requires kitchen
(from chefdk or cinc-workstation) + awk
to be installed.
NOTICE: kitchen is quite slow so its possible to create a group without it and only use it when needed
The cargo
extension is filebased and looks for Cargo.toml
and requires cargo
The docker_compose
extension is filebased and looks for docker-compose.yml
and requires docker-compose
/docker compose
Full configuration options and examples can be found in the documentation
Once installed make sure you run :checkhealth greyjoy
to ensure its set up correctly.
Breaking changes
Breaking changes will be announced in this Github Issue
- Source hosted at github
- Report issues/questions/feature requests on GitHub Issues
Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make. For example:
- Fork the repo
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
Thank you / shout-outs
- The extension in this module is heavily inspired by the manager in Telescope.nvim
Thanks to
@TheSafdarAwan for PR #22
@costowell for PR #32