grafana-telegraf-dashboard-generator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
grafana-telegraf-dashboard-generator copied to clipboard


This simple script written in python is used to build Grafana json dashboards for Telegraf Metrics.

The full dashboard can be grab from

Main goal

Sharing Grafana panels for telegraf metrics.

How it works

The script connect to an InfluxDB cluster and lookup for all measurments in the the specified database with the "--databases" parameter. This parameter can be a regexp so the script will lookup in all databases matching the pattern.

Then if there is a serie matching a row, it will just concat the corresponding row.json to the resulting json file. Here is the current series list:

  • execvarnish3
  • nginx
  • apache
  • phpfpm
  • httpjson_opcache
  • memcached
  • mysql
  • mongodb
  • redis
  • elasticsearch
  • passenger
  • rabbitmq

Feel free to add new json panels !

You can add your own "templating variables" and "annotations". Just put them as json files in the "templates" and/or "annotations" directory and use the "--enable-templating" and/or "--enable-annotations"

You will find the resulting dashboards under the "dashboards" directory. You can now import your json file in grafana :)


usage: [-h] [--influxdb-user INFLUXUSER]
                    [--influxdb-passwd INFLUXPASSWD] [--databases DBS]
                    [--hosts HOSTS] [--dashboard-version DASHVERSION]
                    [--enable-templating] [--enable-annotations] [-v]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --influxdb-user INFLUXUSER
                        InfluxDB Username. Should be admin *
  --influxdb-passwd INFLUXPASSWD
                        InfluxDB Username password.
  --databases DBS       InfluxDB Databases as regexp
  --hosts HOSTS         InfluxDB raft hosts.
  --dashboard-version DASHVERSION
                        Dashboard version to set.
  --enable-templating   Enable templates
  --enable-annotations  Enable annotations
  --ssl                 Use SSL for InfluxDB connection.
  --verify-ssl          Verify SSL when connecting to InfluxDB.
  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity


python --influxdb-user admin --influxdb-passwd password --databases '^telegraf_*' --hosts, --dashboard-version 3 --enable-templating --enable-annotations


Use influxdb version > 2.11.0 and Jinja2> 2.8

pip install influxdb
pip install Jinja2


To import the generated dashboards, please use the grafana API:

curl "http://admin:[email protected]:3001/api/dashboards/db" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --data-binary @telegraf.json