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Adding automated glossary (\glossaries)
First of all, this is a beautiful template! Thanks for that. For my thesis I need several abbreviations (acronyms) and symbols, which I want to process and list automatically.
Following this document document , I made the necessary settings for this with the package glossaries. Since I suspect that some others will have to work with abbreviations and/or symbols and the corresponding directories in their work, I suggest my draft as basis for a possible implementation.
The package will be included in my-thesis-setup.tex
and the style will be defined there. In content\glossar.tex
the single acronyms / symbols are defined and the directories are initiated. These appear if the element was used in the text (see modified content\chapter-introduction.tex
In the attached minimal example I have deleted everything else or commented it out in my-thesis.tex
First of all, thank you very much for creating this glossary! When I compile it alone, it works, but as soon as I intergrate it in my whole clean-thesis code the glossary page remains white. Is there anything I have to keep in mind? Best regards
Hi. Glad it helps.
Do you have the respective references in the code (e.g. chapter-introduction.tex, \gls{spsp}
)? Note that the glossary is only created by entries that are also used in the text.
Another idea is to actively run makeglossaries.exe
Best regards
Thanks for your quick reply. I'm currently writing my bachelor thesis and so I'm a bit under time pressure but I would love to use your professional looking glossar. Yes I've integrated the the code of your chapter-introduction.tex, that's why I'm wondering. I'm not sure how to run makeglossaries.exe, but I've downloaded now the package gloassaries. Strangely enough it worked before without it with your version. Unfortunately I have still a blank page. Thanks in advance and best regards
Hi. Having the necessary packages installed is always a good idea.
Under Win 10 with TexLive (not so relevant) and TexStudio as environment I create makeglossaries.exe "my-thesis"
using "tools" -> "glossary(F9)". In other environments it should work similar.
If that doesn't help, I could take a look at your example when you upload it here.
Thank you so much!! That worked for me :)
@JanWaldhorn please, could you update your contribution based on the latest version? Thanks.
Hi @atifraza I am currently very busy. If I remember correctly, only the .sty file needs to be replaced...
I have the same problem @sineadsayo had but in my case I'm working with overleaf.
When running your code on overleaf it works fine. But if I try to copy the parts of the glossary code, then the list of glossary is empty... And I get no hint of why in the log file.
Anyone with the same issue? any recommendation?
So... the issue was this My compilation file wasn't in the root folder... Thanks for the code! it works very nicely