
Results 29 comments of dernasherbrezon

Can't find where wxtoimg requires time of pass. It might use it to auto detect satellite. But if you're processing it manually, then manual should be just fine. ``` Usage:...

Hmm. Yes, i can implement this. But keep in mind, retention period for observations is 2. I.e. r2cloud will store only last 2 observations. If you put a note, it...

The raw data is there, it just do not rendered. The question is, what would you do with images next? I'm planning to create a service, which aggregates all Meteor...

Hmm Good question. Looks like raw data for Meteor can be downloaded via API only from r2server. If you have access to raspberry pi, then all raw data stored on...

Why do you want this overlay? Instead of adding custom data onto image I suggest converting raw chanenls into GeoTIFF format and process whatever you like. I raised jira for...

Looks like bug. No critical though. R2cloud cannot terminate one of its threads gracefully.

It can be tricky: 1. r2cloud assumes all satellites constantly transmitting data. SSTV transmissions are rare. So most of the time ISS SSTV will be disabled. During the event base...

Yes, we can add ISS voice to the list. But what will you do with it? I prefer to spend time on "mining" unique and useful data from space. Some...

@ve2gqf can you please elaborate on the mapping? Do you mean map overlay feature?

I thought "memory leak" is a memory that leaked from the control and cannot be freed. Yes, something like ```deinit_volk()``` might be required for this. Or even better: explicit lifecycle...