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How to manage values (globals, environment, release-specific) intuitively within helmfile

How to handle helmfile values nicely

helmfile is a very powerful tool, but his way of handling release values is daunting for the beginners (and experts). I propose here a simple pattern to handle values, that is completely generic, intuitive and works in all situations.

Read the article !
👉 ✨ helmfile: a simple trick to handle values intuitively ✨ 👈


This repo reproduces the way values are handled in umbrella charts (Helm Charts with sub-charts).

If you don't like to read but want to experiment instead:

  • clone this repo,
  • customize the different release values by editing environments/default.yaml,
  • override values per environment by editing environments/<envName>.yaml (available environements are local and prod),
  • see for yourself how your changes work by running: helmfile -e <env> write-values and see the output.

To apply this in your helmfile:

  1. ensure you reference env-magic.gotmpl under all release values (releases.<releaseName>.values) and,
  2. ensure you reference both default.yaml and <envName>.yaml files under environments.<envName>.values.


  • 🐌 Before we start: what are values
  • 👎 How helmfile handles values
    • Values and global values
    • Value overrides per environment
  • 👌 Handling values better in helmfile
    • What it entails
    • How it works

🐌 Before we start: what are values

Values are parameters passed to a Helm chart. In helmfile, all releases are instances of a given helm chart, that defines its parameters in a values.yaml file. Those parameters can be overridden using different mechanisms (--set and --values using helm).

We often distinguish between two kind of values:

  1. release-specific values: values that need to be set only for one release (we will refer to then as simply values in this README), and
  2. global values: values that must be set in all charts, such as the domain or the URL to some kafka broker. Global values are especially useful when most of the releases in a helmfile rely on a common library chart.

Furthermore, some values may need to be set differently depending on the environment. We can thus talk about global values and global environment values.

👎 How helmfile handles values

Values and global values

In a helmfile, values can be overriden at the release level:

  - name: foo
    # ...
      - simple: value # raw value 
      - path/to/raw-yaml-file.yaml # values read as is from a file
      - path/to/template-outputting-yaml.gotmpl # go template outputting valid YAML values

In order to set global values, one has to reference the same values/file/template below each releases, as seen above. There is no built-in support per se.

Value overrides per environment

When we need to set environment values, helmfile supports a environments.<envName>.values property:

releases: [...]
      - global: value # raw value 
      - path/to/raw-yaml-file.yaml # values read as is from a file
      - path/to/template-outputting-yaml.gotmpl # go template outputting valid YAML values

However, unintuitively enough, this doesn't set any value at all, but simply makes them available to templates. That is, in go templates attached to releases, the .Values will be populated with the environment values (on top of the other values defined at the release level), such that a template may do:

global: {{ .Values | get "global" "UNSET" }}

Notice the convoluted syntax, which is necessary because global may be undefined in other environments.

When all environment values are meant to be global, one trick is to pass the following template inline: {{ toYaml .Values | nindent 10 }}.

Take this helmfile for example:

  - name: foo
    # ... reference some chart here
      - release-specific: check
      - {{ toYaml .Values | nindent 10 }} # <-- output all values (env + normal)
       - env-prod: check

The output of helmfile -e prod write-values will be:

release-specific: check
env-prod: check

This is nice for global environment values, but what about release-specific ones ? Well, there is no way around writing a specific template for each release... Or is there ?

👌 Handling values better in helmfile

In this repository is shown a simpler way of handling values in helmfile, that doesn't require release-specific templates and covers all value types (global/specific, per environment).

Basically, it reproduces the way values are handled in umbrella charts (Helm Charts with subcharts).

What it entails

The idea is:

  • define release-specific values in environments/default.yaml, under the release name;
  • define global values in environments/default.yaml, under global;
  • for environment values, use the same logic, but in a different file (e.g. environments/<envName>.yaml).

For this pattern to work:

  1. all environments must reference environments/default.yaml, plus their specific file. This is also necessary for the default environment ! However, in this case, only the default file is listed.
  2. all releases must reference env-magic.gotmpl in their values. To simplify and keep it DRY, you can use YAML anchors (see the example helmfile.yaml).

That is, you should have something like this:

  - name: foo
    # ...
    values:                    # this block should be under all releases
      - &env env-magic.gotmpl  # <- the magic

      - environments/default.yaml  # always reference the default values files
      - environments/default.yaml
      - environments/prod.yaml     # apply prod values on top of default

Note that the actual name of the files do not matter, of course.

How it works

All the magic comes from the env-magic.gotmpl file, which consists of one single line:

{{ merge (.Values | get .Release.Name  dict) (.Values | get "global" dict) | toYaml }}

Since helmfile merges environment values and normal values automatically and makes them available through .Values in templates, the only thing left to do is to select only the values for the current release (.Release.Name), and the global values (global). We then merge the two, giving precedence to the release-specific values, and render them as YAML.](https://community.ops.io/derlin/helmfile-a-simple-trick-to-handle-values-intuitively-50cb)