PacketScript copied to clipboard
Sample Request? Would be pleased if you consider to publish here
Hi, i dont want to bother you, but.. sorry, but: I am trying to establish (with my mostly limited skills as a coder) a regular-expression filter for strings on iptable on an openwrt-router.
my goal is to log inside the router requests on the internet/wan side of the router like this http://fqdn/?md5hash. without opening any ports - and than to process these logged/lua hashes as one-time trigger for further (bash/ash)-actions.
As far as i searched the web, there is only static-string matching, or gargoyle-os with weburl-derivation for regular-expression matching on iptables strings.
AND: Packetscript !
i am on development branch (OpenWrt Chaos Calmer r44223) of openwrt and there is still a installable module called "iptables-mod-lua". This must be Packetscript ?!?, as statet here: with a link to your master-thesis.
It took a time to bring this all together from the web, and i am hoping to save some time with not all to much frustrating experiments, so i try to frankly ask you:
Do you think you can provide an example script how to do some string matching with packetscript in iptables-mod-lua?
Or show some re-ex-matching wit packetscript/lua as an expanded alternative to the static iptables -m string matching? Is it all possible?
i would be thankfully pleased, if you could consider to show a positive response to my questions. Thankfully yours, ozett
ps.: why dont you link your thesis here to the wiki? or put the pdf in this repository? if one googles "iptables lua" your repository is shown up on first places, but doku is somewhat behind in google rank..