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Assembly and analysis of RADseq data sets
Found issue in PyRAD 3.0.66 with the dataset: Step 6 fails in pairddrad mode if ## 29.opt has an empty value or if the value is 0,0 I had...
Currently, if the first locus in .loci does not contain a polymorphic site then the first line after the header is a blank line. Changed here in line 64...
I'm not sure if this fix is needed for other output formats, but this worked to fix issues I was seeing in VCF outputs.
HI, is there a way to install pyrad without root access? If yes, how to do it??
Currently you have to provide ## 12. minCov parameter in the input file as the minimum number of individuals. Allowing this to be a proportion, similar to ## 13. maxSharedH...
Because I generally work on multiple clusters, I have to replicate my scientific software stack not infrequently and I generally hate my life for a few days each time I...
This would be helpful for linking sampled snps to numbered loci
Bug pointed out by Todd McLay relevant to some types of RRLs.
These temp files should be deleted at the end of analysis.