vim-protodef copied to clipboard
Vim plugin for pulling in C++ function prototypes into implementation files
This fix allows create implementation of methods marked with 'override' keyword. Also prevents implementing pure virtual methods
m option in --c++-kinds=+p-cdefglmnstuvx removes "virtual overriden" methods from the ctags output. Removal of this option does't help.
When using protodef with templates the generated code neglects the template's header.
Hey, Is it possible to enable protodef for C too?
The default mappings are defined as nmap. For me they don't work unless i change them to nnoremap. Any particular reason for that?
If I have test.h ``` class Test { void aa(int c); }; ``` and test.cpp ``` #include "test.h" void Test::aa(int b) { } void Test::aa(int) { } ``` protodef would...
In lack of escaping $function in this match attempt is causing problems: if ($temp[$linenum - 2] =~ m/$function/) after changing this to: if ($temp[$linenum - 2] =~ m/\Q$function\E/) it...