zx-spectrum-pico-interface-one copied to clipboard
A recreation of the ZX Spectrum Expansion System, a hardware Microdrive emulator
Folders on the sd card to organise mdr's abit better. ie. Apps. Games etc.
If the user adds a device onto the rear of the ZSES which provides its own ROM in place of the Spectrum's original 16K ROM, that device won't work. The...
The KiCAD footprint I used for the rear edge connector is sub-millimetre perfect, except for the bizarre omission of the locating slot. The gap is there for it, but it's...
The main reason the board doesn't lie lower than it does is the way the 90degree edge connector connects to it. The pins of the connector go through the holes,...
Just occasionally, when an LED should light up, one of the other LEDs also lights up. Just a quick flicker. I'm pretty sure this is being caused by the Interface...
The optional config file on the SD card is named zxes_config.txt. That was named before I settled on ZSES as the abbreviation for the project ("ZX Spectrum Expansion System"). It...
The case is not ideal. It adds unnecessary bulk. The friction-fit idea of one piece sliding over the top of the other seems to work well with cardboard boxes, but...
The device is still too big in my opinion. It's about as small as I could get it given that it contains 3 Raspberry Pi Picos, but I still don't...
I think on reflection the lie-flat design is a mistake. The tips of the 90deg edge connector, and all the TTH components, poke out the base of the device by...
The two reset switches protrude out of the back of the case, which turns out to be a bad decision because they foul the pass through edge connector. It's now...