DICOMSharp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
DICOMSharp copied to clipboard

DICOMSharp is a C#-based DICOM toolkit, with several useful associated projects: PSWebsite, DICOMManager, and more.


  • Visual Studio 2015 & VS Update 1 (with Visual C++)
  • CMake 3.3.0 or higher (http://www.cmake.org/)
  • dcmtk 3.6.0 (http://dicom.offis.de/dcmtk.php.en)
  • CharLS 2.0.0 (https://github.com/team-charls/charls/releases)
  • OpenJPEG 2.1.2 (https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/releases/tag/v2.1.2)
  • node.js ~5.x and npm (http://nodejs.org)
  • Visual Studio Extensions:
    • Web Compiler (https://github.com/madskristensen/WebCompiler/releases)
    • Typescript 1.7 or higher (VS extensions window)

DCMTK setup for DICOMSharpJPEGCompression:

  • Decompress the dcmtk-3.6.0.tar.gz into the DICOMSharp/DICOMSharpJPEGCompression dir, so you end up with a "dcmtk-3.6.0" dir alongside the openjpeg dir
  • Run CMake
    • Enter the dcmtk-3.6.0 dir as both the source code dir and where to build the binaries
    • Hit configure, pick your choice of compiler (VS2015 32-bit), wait like 5 minutes while it does a bunch of checks
    • When it's done, you can press the Generate button.
    • Close CMake
  • Go into the dcmtk-3.6.0 dir and open DCMTK.sln with VS
    • In the solution explorer, find the ALL_BUILD project (should be at the top), and build it once in debug and once in release
    • Assuming both built successfully, close that visual studio, you shouldn't need it ever again

CharLS setup for DICOMSharpJPEGCompression:

  • Decompress the CharLS 2.0.0.zip file into the DICOMSharp/DICOMSharpJPEGCompression dir, so you end up with a "charls-2.0.0" dir alongside the openjpeg and dcmtk-3.6.0 dirs

OpenJPEG setup DICOMSharpJPEGCompression:

  • Decompress the openjpeg-v2.1.2-windows-x86.zip file into the DICOMSharp/DICOMSharpJPEGCompression dir, so you end up with a "openjpeg-v2.1.2-windows-x86" dir alongside the openjpeg, dcmtk-3.6.0, and charls-2.0.0 dirs


  • Run VS2015 as administrator (you'll need to do this every time)
  • Open DICOMSharp.sln
  • Build all and run your desired project

PSWebsite Setup:

  • You must go into IIS settings and create a new application (suggested path /pswebsite) or new website that points at the PSWebsite directory, and make a new app pool for the application/website that has 32-bit enabled (App Pool -> Advanced Settings -> Enable 32-bit Applications)


  • Copy WebUser.config.sample and rename it to WebUser.config
  • Leave it in place to use it with SQLite, or change the parameters to use your desired MSSQL or MySQL database host

Web Compiler Setup:

  • By default, Visual Studio uses a version of node.js which is too old to support Webpack. As such, you need to configure Visual Studio to use your manually-installed Node:
  • Open DICOMSharp.sln
  • Open Tools > Options, Projects and Solutions > External Web Tools
  • Click on the entry for "$(PATH)" and click the up arrow button to move the entry above "$(DevEnvDir)\Extensions\Microsoft\Web Tools\External"
  • Either manually re-run Task Runner or restart VS

Other notes:

  • The DICOMSharpDocs project requires installing the Sandcastle Help File Builder (https://github.com/EWSoftware/SHFB)
  • The DICOMManagerSetup project requires installing Installshield Limited Edition (http://learn.flexerasoftware.com/content/IS-EVAL-InstallShield-Limited-Edition-Visual-Studio)