AutolayoutExtensions icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AutolayoutExtensions copied to clipboard

Extension to the Cocoa auto-layout system for making it easy to dynamically hide views and collapse spacings

Results 5 AutolayoutExtensions issues
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I just tried the iOS demo app and at first look it seems to work perfectly but after few taps of switch (on-off) the text field( round style text field)...

I can't seem to find a way to expose the IBOutlet in IB. Wondering if this just isn't possible from a category anymore? Working in iOS. I tried removing all...

especially since it depends on jrswizzle which is already a pod

This project doesn't seem to have license information. What is its license? I assume it's MIT, but I'm asking just in case.

The shortcut is not in the official JRSwizzle-repository. Use error=nil instead.