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Dependency Check Azure DevOps Extension

Results 28 azuredevops issues
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The dependency check task automatically publishes a pipeline artifact with the name 'Dependency Check' which contains the reports We want to download this artifact later on in the pipeline -...

I'm using the latest version of the Azure DevOps Plugin ( After upgrading DependencyCheck from 6.5.3 to 7.1.1 I get the following error ``` [WARN] An error occurred with the...

At the moment you can not use multiple Versions of DependencyCheck using Azure DevOps on the same host because all versions are using the same database that might not be...

Hi, I think the --exclude option is not working. I have the following directory structure after git checkout : **s/** -- changelogs -- tests -- src -- helper -- some...

Hi. I'm using the Azure DevOps extension v0.2.10 in Azure DevOps Services. I tried to use the following in my YAML pipeline, running it in a hosted agent: ``` -...

Hi There, We're having a local data mirror which works great with mvn analyzer. Now I'm working with the dependency-check-build-task but it crashes after adding dataMirror URL. ```yaml - task:...

Trying to migrate CI pipelines to .NET 6 and having issues with dependency check. ```bash Could not execute .NET AssemblyAnalyzer ``` It seems that it cannot detect the currently installed...

Hi, When you specify additionalArguments such as cveUrls in the task ([for workaround purpose here]( then the generated command fails : `C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /D /S /C "D:\a\_tasks\dependency-check-build-task_47ea1f4a-57ba-414a-b12e-c44f42765e72\6.0.2\dependency-check\bin\dependency-check.bat --project "MyProjetct" --scan D:\a\1\s...
