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Use New Status Field to Maintain InProgressForm Data for Dependents Application
- In case of failure, InProgressForm is no longer deleted and now a status field is updated and the forms are not shown if the field is set
Related issue(s)
Testing done
- [ ] New code is covered by unit tests
- In progress form would be deleted immediately, now it is saved until submission succeeds or fails the final time
- Submit a dependents change application and check if the form still appears immediately after submission, and that it will reappear after the status is changed back (normally after failures)
Pending Submission:
Processing Submission:
What areas of the site does it impact?
Dependents application submission
Acceptance criteria
- [x] ~ I fixed|updated|added unit tests and integration tests for each feature (if applicable). ~
- [x] No error nor warning in the console.
- [x] Events are being sent to the appropriate logging solution
- [x] ~Documentation has been updated (link to documentation)~
- [x] No sensitive information (i.e. PII/credentials/internal URLs/etc.) is captured in logging, hardcoded, or specs
- [x] Feature/bug has a monitor built into Datadog or Grafana (if applicable)
- [x] ~If app impacted requires authentication, did you login to a local build and verify all authenticated routes work as expected~
- [x] ~I added a screenshot of the developed feature~