Deoren Moor
Deoren Moor
I was planning to use this issue to track the work of replacing the literal format names in the docs with the substitution references. I just haven't worked on this...
> @rgerhards I have no objection if we call everything (obsolete and new) "parameter". I just need to get used to it and it helps if we write it down....
#504 brought up some good points for clarification: ## Should the docs tarball provide sources within the tarball or assume users will pull from the Git repo? - Precedence and...
> @mbiebl: Assuming I would change the Debian build process to pull the tarballs from i.e. use a git archive generated tarball, I would run into the same issue,...
Now that the work on PR #476 has been approved, I'll move forward with creating a small CONTRIBUTING doc with some basic points that have been agreed on thus far:...
@davidelang Awesome, thanks!
@davidelang I was looking back through the mailing list for something else and came across this response from you last year: > there is almost no technical difference between $....
> @davidelang: normally I'm told I put too much detail in :-) Down with the naysayers! ;) I've learned a lot reading your writings and appreciate the time you've taken...
> @davidelang: I don't think the last article in the series ever got linked on that page > (splung/ElasticSearch tuning) Is this the article you're referring to? "Large Scale Splunk...
Note to self: