Denys Vitali

Results 49 issues of Denys Vitali

This PR (based on #26) adds some additional testing based on mocks. I think it's quite difficult to test without mocking the filesystem, and thus an example test was added....

Check #16 for the details. Opened a new PR because the previous one was a PR from the master branch instead of the feature branch.

Automatically switch to `wss` if `https` is used (fixes `SecurityError: The operation is insecure`)

Maybe this is a duplicate of #91, but why don't you build the Docker image by using an argument to the Dockerfile (the Jira Version) that's automatically filled by a...

Quick question: the latest tagged release of this repository 3.0.0rc2, and a newer version hasn't been tagged since January 2018. I'm looking forward to see 255a845 in the next release,...

