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ReadMe Installation instructions incomplete / issues in installation
I love the concept, and tried to get it to install on a new raspberry pi. But I ran into some issues, some of which may be due to changes in the ionic framework beta versions.
Git clone instruction should it not be : https://github.com/denschu/home.pi.git ? Which then changes the cd directory...
The gulp install failed complaining of missing "gulp-util" which I had to install separately.
publish-config.sh requires mosquitto_pub to be installed (sudo apt-get install mosquito-clients ).
I can then start the webserver and get to the login screen where I can enter my MQTT details. But on successfully logging in I just get a blank screen.
The MQTT server shows a subscription to
I'm using your publish-config.sh but with my details for the mosquitto_pub command line which all check out. I can point a MQTT node in node-red at the MQTT topic and can read the config.
Any ideas?
Hello @ukmoose.
Did you manage to make it work ?
I tried to use the included mqtt lib to publish messages on MQTT but the broker doesn't receive the message.
Nope, given that author has not replied to any issue in a year and there has been no update I assume the project is effectively dead