wanted_modules icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wanted_modules copied to clipboard


Open jespertheend opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments


jespertheend avatar Aug 04 '22 14:08 jespertheend

Isn't browserify meant for CommonJS?

retraigo avatar Oct 13 '22 06:10 retraigo

I believe it is. Code intended to be run in the browser is often bundled as commonjs (which I still don't understand the reason for). I was hoping to use browserify to bundle modules like these to something that is runnable in the browser. However, I have already found a different way to solve this. Right now I'm using rollup with some plugins, which works quite nicely.

jespertheend avatar Oct 13 '22 08:10 jespertheend

yea, have no browserify experience though I think you can achieve the "same" or even better with Rollup and Vite which is already working with Deno as well and improving

CanRau avatar Oct 14 '22 20:10 CanRau