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npm packages providing shims for the Deno namespace and other globals. Useful for running Deno-first programs on Node.


Deno shims for Node.js


  • @deno/shim-deno - Deno namespace shim.
    • @deno/shim-deno-test - Deno.test only shim.
  • @deno/shim-crypto - Shim for the crypto global.
  • @deno/shim-prompts - Shims for alert, confirm and prompt.
  • @deno/shim-timers - Shims for setTimeout and setInterval.
  • @deno/sham-weakref - Sham for the WeakRef global that uses the global WeakRef if it exists.



# get submodules if you did not clone them initially
git submodule init --recursive
git submodule update --recursive
# npm install
npm i --ignore-scripts
# build all packages
npm run build --workspaces
# test all packages
npm run test --workspaces
# format
deno fmt
# lint
deno lint

For package specific development commands, see the package.json scripts in each package.