deno copied to clipboard
bug: Connection refused (os error 111)
I run deno in the docker container in the k8s pod for as a REST API service. Every N seconds this deno service sends a POST request with metrics data over to another service in k8s, prometheus pushgateway
here is the code snippet of how the POST request is being made with fetch:
// function to push metrics to prometheus "pushgateway"
export async function pushMetrics(
id: string,
metrics: string,
) {
const pgURL = getPushgatewayHostName(pushgatewayJobName, id);
try {
const cleanedUpFileContent = unescape(encodeURIComponent(metrics));
const out = new TextEncoder().encode(cleanedUpFileContent);
const response = await fetch(
method: "POST",
body: out,
if (response.status != 202 && response.status != 200) {
log.error(`failed to POST to pushgateway URL ${pgURL}, status ${response.status}`);
} catch (e) {
log.error(`unexpected error: failed to POST to pushgateway URL ${pgURL}, ${e}`);
function getPushgatewayHostName(pushgatewayJobName: string, id: string): string {
const pushgatewayURI = `metrics/job/${pushgatewayJobName}/instance/${id}`;
if (ENV == undefined || ENV == "") {
return `http://pushgateway:9091/${pushgatewayURI}`;
return `http://${ENV}-${basePushgatewayK8sServiceHost}/${pushgatewayURI}`;
permissions for the network calls are wide open:
CMD ["deno", "run", "--cached-only", "--unstable", **"--allow-net"**, "--allow-read=./workers", "--allow-env", "--v8-flags=--disallow-code-generation-from-strings", "main.ts"]
request comes through OK if I run it outside of k8s (not using k8s dns service host name e.g. pgURL=http://pushgateway.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:9091
): bring up 2 docker containers attached to the same network, so the deno service POST to http://pushgateway:9091
, pushgateway is the name of the second container deno service is POSTing to
if I run it in the k8s I get the following error:
unexpected error: failed to POST to pushgateway URL http://myenv-pushgateway.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:9091/metrics/job/myjob/instance/1234567890, Http: error sending request to url (http://myenv-pushgateway.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:9091/metrics/job/myjob/instance/1234567890): error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
looks like a Rust error message:
error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
I can exec into the deno container in k8s and curl pushgateway, so it's not related to k8s network policies
not sure if these 2 issues are related:
- latest deno v1.4.2
- k8s cluster v1.18.6
@bartlomieju @kitsonk @hayd can you please take a look
You don't need to @
people to have a potential issue looked at.
This certainly reads like #6751.
You don't need to
people to have a potential issue looked at.
has anyone looked at this?
bump +1
Same thing appeared again on my setup. Suddenly with the recent update of the docker image (denoland/latest) Iam not able to connect to my mariadb nodes anymore. If lucky I get the os error 111, if not the entire thread just get hung.
Also reproductable with the smalest possible mysql connection sample excluding all higher level libs.
Same here @Merulast 😞
We're also having issues with our application on production connecting to our supabase postgres db. No issues when running the application locally or when connecting to the database directly.
@littledivy please take a look
We resolved it by updating our deno postgres driver to the latest version. We were on [email protected]
and changing to [email protected]
seemed to fix it for some reason.
I’m having the same issue. I can’t connect to the local postgres database (using supabase).
I’m having the same issue. I can’t connect to the local postgres database (using supabase).
It works when using
instead of localhost
I have the same issue. Thanks for sharing @hamanuha , replacing localhost
works for me as well.
I’m having the same issue. I can’t connect to the local postgres database (using supabase).
It works when using
instead oflocalhost
I had the same issue connecting from deno to mongodb over docker. This solved my issue. Thank you so much for shareing!
I’m having the same issue. I can’t connect to the local postgres database (using supabase).
It works when using
instead oflocalhost
Wow this just worked!
I am using supabase and deno edge function. Could you explain how this works?
it's Docker's gateway for its bridge network.
try running command in your terminal docker network inspect bridge