cnn-text-classification-tf copied to clipboard
How much is the running time of this project in CPU
I am just running this experiment in my laptop on 16 GB RAM. How much time it would take to finish. I am seeing it's running for 2 hrs and not finished!
I have GTX 1070 and it took more then 40 min.
On my MacBook Air with only 4 GM RAM, it takes me 2.5 hours. You might increase batch size to a much greater number instead of 64 since you have 16 GB RAM :)
BTW, I was wondering what is your laptop? Sounds like a monster with 16 G RAM...
Psycho7 - My laptop is Acer predator 17" GPU - GTX 1070 Ram 32 GB installed. Overclockable!
@phpmind Holy shh... That's really a MONSTER... 👍