masq copied to clipboard
Are you using masq in production and would like to help maintain the project? Please contact me, because I don't use it anymore and don't have the time to give masq the attention it deserves.
@dennisreimann I've got a production instance right now, and would be happy to help out here.
@kerrizor great, welcome to the club!
I'm happy to have you on board :metal:
As I said I currently don't have the time to review pull requests or make changes myself and it would be great if you could help out with that :)
@djmaze @wingfire @nougad any of you guys?
Happy to help out! I'll get some focus on outstanding issues in the next couple days (been a little busy getting married this past week ;) h
Sorry, have not been using masq at all, and a production instance of masquerade is not under my control anymore. Maybe someone else would be better suited for the job.
@kerrizor congratulations and all the best :)
@djmaze no problems, just wanted to ask you, because you've been contributing in the past to masquerade.
I'm running no instance of masq. I start watching the project to help out if I can. But I'm not able to be a maintainer. sry.