A similar situation arises when GitLab is not reachable.
Another one: `The experiment took too much time. Forcing termination.` It looks like the platform initiated the termination of the benchmark service, but not the system service. Probably the...
- [ ] Display some explanation when there's no HOBBIT UI running, but there's at least traefik running
This can happen when there are connectivity problems and controller cannot store experiment results. Possible solutions would be to actually do something (what?) when the `INSERT` query fails:
Dumping the experiment result models to files (and having them accessible with HTTP/FTP) sounds like a good idea in general.
Looks like restarting GitLab resolved this for now.
Both `No such image` (when manually running `docker pull` succeeds) and `getsockopt: connection refused` (when Gitlab UI is working fine, but not docker repository it seems) still happen.
Why the target is `master`?
Possible solution: (with `stream_identity` setting)
Unfortunately, it looks like [PrimeNG]( (at least the version used) cannot easily do `colspan`s.