
Results 64 issues of denizyuret

Continuing from: I get this error intermittently on exit from Julia. I was able to trace it to the finalizer of CudaPtr (pointer.jl:44), in particular to the statement haskey(cuda_ptrs,...

I'd like to fix this so people can save and load machine learning models that use CudaArray's without having to explicitly copy everything to cpu. Is the right way to...

My students have been asking for a Knet github organization for a while to contribute projects that are large to be just examples. I did not think there was enough...

``` julia> tsne(randn(Float64,500,100)); Computing t-SNE100%|████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:00 KL_divergence: 2.2364 julia> tsne(randn(Float32,500,100)); Computing t-SNE100%|████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:01:23 KL_divergence: 2.2551 ```

Hi Nick, Currently CUBLAS does not export or modify any existing functions, but provides separate CUBLAS versions like CUBLAS.axpy! etc. (If I understand things correctly). If you add the line:...

Thanks for porting this library! I had started doing this a few months ago and gave up after I discovered a problem with transpose. I am not sure if NVIDIA...

feature request

This is a replacement for reimplementing the no-softmax feature to support globally normalized models discussed in using new entries in `MODEL_REGISTRY` instead of a command line option as...

Globally normalized models score sequences using the sum of unnormalized logits, as opposed to locally normalized ones which take a log_softmax at each token position before summing to compute the...

Following the instructions at with Julia 1.10.0 I get the error given in the subject. Here is the full output: The instructions seem to work with Julia 1.9.4....