Denis Mikhalkin
Denis Mikhalkin
It is obvious from the logs that Fuse performs some operations several times in a row. For example, getattr is called multiple times for the same file. This presents significant...
Linux filesystems allow the files which are being written/read to be moved or even deleted without causing errors. This is probably because an open file creates a hidden hard link...
MVCC allows to implement reads/writes without read/write locks which is tempting as those are additional roundtrips on Dynamo
This will introduce a version field which will be incremented every time a write is made. It'll be verified against the current version to ensure that no concurrent modification happened....
All previous tests were done with the version pjd-fstest-20080816.tgz, released on August 16, 2008. There is a newer version which has better coverage: pjd-fstest-20090130-RC.tgz, released on January 30, 2009.
For example, chown only allows changing to the groups that the user belongs. If the user is in multiple groups, he can change between them. However, the fstest will fail...
This is to do with permitPrivilegedOnly. On one hand, one test executes chown under unprivileged user without changing ownership but expects EPERM. On the other hand, other test expects not...
More than half of the tests are failing. The major areas are rename, open, mkdir.