arandr-indicator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
arandr-indicator copied to clipboard

Quick and simple tray icon menu for changing the monitor layout. A great companion to ARandR tool.

Results 4 arandr-indicator issues
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Shebang line of [``]( requires python 3: ``` #!/usr/bin/env python3 ``` But [``]( states that python 2.7 is required: ``` Requirements [...] * Python 2.7 ``` Regards!

The `Exec` key from `~/.config/autostart/arandr-indicator.desktop` file is written without any escaping. This may lead to an invalid autostart entry that will fail to launch the tool, if the path contains...


Hi! I've enjoyed using your indicator for a long time :) Today it stopped working for me because of a broken dependency of python2-xdg. Would you be able to rewrite...

Note: There is an Arch Linux package of this in the AUR: [aur/`arandr-indicator-git`]( If you want you can mention it in your [`README-md`]( Regards!