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SciPy 2018 Tutorial: Pandas .head() to .tail()


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First-Time Setup

1. Install Python

If you don't already have a working python distribution, you may download one of

You'll need Python 3.

2. Download Tutorial Materials

This GitHub repository is all that is needed in terms of tutorial content. The simplest solution is to download the material using this link:

If you're familiar with Git, you can also clone this repository with:

git clone [email protected]:deniederhut/Pandas-Tutorial-SciPyConf-2018.git

It will create a new folder named Pandas-Tutorial-SciPyConf-2018/ with all the content you will need, including:

  • requirements.txt - the package requirements for this tutorial
  • - a script for testing your installation
  • notebooks/ - the Jupyter notebooks we'll use during the tutoral

3. Install Required Packages

If you are using conda, you can install the necessary packages by opening a terminal and entering the following:

conda update conda --yes
conda --version  # Should be about 4.5.4
conda env create --file=environment.yml
conda activate pandas-scipy

If you are using Python from or your system, you can install the necessary packages by opening a terminal and entering the following:

# Create a new environment
python3 -m venv pandas-scipy
source pandas-scipy/bin/activate

pip install -U pip wheel setuptools
pip install -U -r requirements.txt

4. Test the Installation

To make sure everything was installed correctly, open a terminal, and change its directory (cd) so that your working directory is Pandas-Tutorial-SciPyConf-2018. The enter the following:


5. Start the Notebook

jupyter notebook

Questions? Problems?

You may post messages to the slack channel for this tutorial at: