one branch that comnied debugged result of `clustering` `phylo` and `ncbi_taxanomy` unitest command: `python -m "ete4.test.test_phylotree` `python -m "ete4.test.test_arraytable` `python -m "ete4.test.test_clustertree` `python -m "ete4.test.test_ncbiquery` It was designed to seperate...
The origin experimental --tools-dir is functional when "ete3 build -w .....", but it doesn't work to subcommand such as "check". Changes that I made: 1) read the arguments before load...
It's not the most elegant solution of the rescursion problem, but it could locate a place where users can conduct problem shooting to adjust the setrecursionlimit
this is a reminder about changing the name of `zoom around node` in control panel which is dedicated to unlock the limit of zooming
I tried to design a layout that collapse target branch(taxonomic rank) to a outline instead of a traingle clade, unfortunately I wasn't able to do so. I wonder if I...
When I compared circular layout with rectangular layout with low collapse level(1, for example), I noticed the circular tree has more delay than the rectangular, which caused very obvious "laggy"...
1) mismatch of layout and their headers I tried to add more layouts with their alongside with their panel headers, and I found this mismatch of layout and their headers...
I noticed the following lines which contains data type error in regards to properties fetching in 1) line 57 > ``` prop = node.props.get(p) if type(prop) in [int, float]:...
As I observe, ete4 collapse branchs or nodes based on the collpase level(defautl is 10), which usually collapse the internal nodes. But here I find some sitaution that ete4 collapse...
In the draw() function under CircleFace() class, it requires to fetch the self.tooltip from the object, but the PieChartFace() class doesn't have default attribute as tooltip hence it has the...