WebRTC-APM-for-Android-Demo copied to clipboard
How to build libwebrtc_apms.so ?
I want to build latest APM so to do test cases, how to build the libwebrtc apms so file ?
Please reference https://github.com/dengzikun/WebRTC-APM-for-Android
I want to build latest APM so to do test cases, how to build the libwebrtc apms so file ?
In order to build latest APM Module of webrtc, there is simple workaround;
First visit this link https://github.com/dengzikun/WebRTC-APM-for-Android/tree/master/app/src/main/jni
Make sure Android NDK is downloaded on your system or use below link to download; https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads
Set NDK to System Path in environment variables, then specify the location of your WebRtc_APM_Wrapper.cpp file which is mostly available in JNI folder
Then simple run this command on shell or cmd ** ndk-build **.
Shared Library webrtc_apms.so will automatically generated based on app_abi = armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a.