Doug Engert
Doug Engert
I don't want to stand in the way of this PR. The only concern I have deals with in active PRs, or other works-in-progress developers are working on. They will...
@mouse07410 any comments on MacOS, ECDSA, OpenSSH, Yubikey? pkcs11-tool can do a sign using a specific key. Try this simple test script []( Save without the ".txt" Run ` -M...
The way I read that ATR match rule, it will match **any** ATR of the same length with 70 14 in the 11 and 12 bytes. That in not specific...
`driver 'IAS-ECC' init() failed: Incorrect parameters in APDU` A driver's init() routine, if it fails should also assume that its the wrong driver for the card, and return SC_ERROR_INVALID_CARD so...
My thinking, is you got a "Oberthur dual ID One Cosmo" card" and are assuming it already has an ISA/ECC applet on the card for some reason. Where did you...
@frankmorgner @Jakuje when do you expect to have the next release? It has been almost 5 months since this issue was created.
@dlegaultbbry Are you compiling against a specific release or from github master.
@Jakuje I agree it needs to be done, the sooner the better. I am not pushing for PIV SM to be in next release. I would rather have it committed... When downloaded to Windows 11, `OpenSC-0.23.0-rc1_win64. msi` is only 211 KB, but previous 0.22.0 builds are more like 16,501 KB and attempt to install says: "This installation package could...
I went to at 7:10 AM (GMT-5) and downloaded: which was 211 KB. Now at 10:13 AM I downloaded the same file and it is 16,339 KB. I...