Doug Engert
Doug Engert
I think I have found the problem. `construct_mac_tlv_case1` is only called from ``` 1242 if(exdata->bFipsCertification && plain->lc == 0 && apdu_buf[1] == 0x82 && apdu_buf[2] == 0x01){ 1243 if(0 !=...
The OpenSC card-epass2003.c have many comments about using SCP01: ``` /* This is a FIPS certified card using SCP01 security messaging. */ /*0x00:plain; 0x01:scp01 sm*/ #define SM_SCP01 0x01 unsigned char...
Don't have new epass2003 yet, but did find three PDF datasheets with picture of tokens. The A1+ and A2 have embossed "FIPS-2 Level 3" on same side with green...
The tell the reseller what was the problem? The ePass2003 and SafeNet #3048 problem maybe related. They both are FIPS-2 compliant. FIPS-2 appears to require SCP03 as defined in...
If OpenSC needs SCP03, looks interesting. - Written in C - Runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS. - Actively being maintained. - Some contributors appear to be with Yubico...
The last 00 maybe misleading. It is the Le 00 which says host is willing to accept up to 256 bytes. Card returns up to 256 bytes, and if there...
I don't have the test ePass2003 cards yet, but if you havetime, can you try this WIP: I think what be going on, is for APDUs that do not...
> We had something similar with NSS couple of years back. I asume you re referring to: `opensc.conf`
If you want to try it with minidriver: - Run regedit - Registry Editor - change to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCards\JPKI - export the JPKI to some file. - edit the file replace...
The first reader is a contact reader and the ATR comes from the card. The second reader is using NFC, and in that protocol the ATR from the card is...