symfony-tmbundle icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
symfony-tmbundle copied to clipboard

The symfony textmate bundle

The symfony Textmate bundle


  1. Create a bundle directoy in your home directory if you don't have one already.

     mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
  2. Go to the bundle directoy in your home.

     cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
  3. Clone a copy from the github repository

     git clone git:// "symfony.tmbundle"
  4. Reload your Bundles in TextMate


  1. Go to the symfony bundle directoy in your home.

     cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/symfony.tmbundle
  2. Pull the newest version from the github repository

     git pull
  3. Reload your Bundles in TextMate

Using GoTo

  1. GoTo action is opening on ctrl+f key press

  2. GoTo action is input box, that can recieve commands:

     // go to the apps/APP/modules/MODULE/actions/actions.class.php
     actions APP/MODULE
     // go to the apps/APP/templates/TEMPLATE.php
     view APP/global/TEMPLATE
     // go to the apps/APP/modules/MODULE/templates/TEMPLATESuccess.php
     // go to the apps/APP/templates/_PARTIAL.php
     partial APP/global/PARTIAL
     // go to the apps/APP/modules/MODULE/templates/_PARTIAL.php
     // go to the lib/form/FORMForm.class.php
     form FORM
     // go to the config/CONFIG.yml
     config CONFIG.yml
     // go to the apps/APP/config/CONFIG.yml
     config APP/CONFIG
     // go to the apps/APP/modules/MODULE/config/CONFIG.yml
     // go to the lib/model/doctrine/MODEL.class.php
     dmodel MODEL
     // go to the lib/model/doctrine/MODELTable.class.php
     dtable MODEL
     // go to the config/doctrine/SCHEMA.yml
     dschema SCHEMA


Thanks for the work of 'Dr Nic' from the rails community. Without his work on the rails bundle I still wouldn't know how to create a bundle. Also many thanks to 'meandmymonkey' from the symfony community. He created the images which you can see in the html popups of the symfony commands. Big thanks to user 'everzet'. He improved the html output windows, added the dialogs to the commands, many snippets & created GoTo action. And last but not least many thanks to 'fabpot'. He created the first version of the bundle.