sublime-vim-navigation icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sublime-vim-navigation copied to clipboard

VIM native navigation in SublimeText editor

SublimeTex Native VIM Navigation

This plugin allows you to use some native VIM shortcuts when navigating file contents. Navigate faster without constantly moving your hand to the cursor keys.

Please create a new issue if you would like to add additional mappings. I am trying to keep only most useful keymaps with minimum interference with the default ones.


Note: Add shift to any of these to select characters while moving

Move cursor:

  • control(Mac) / alt(Linux/Win) + k - move cursor up
  • control(Mac) / alt(Linux/Win) + j - move cursor down
  • control(Mac) / alt(Linux/Win) + l - move cursor right
  • control(Mac) / alt(Linux/Win) + h - move cursor left

Move by words:

  • control(Mac) / alt(Linux/Win) + w - move forward by word
  • control(Mac) / alt(Linux/Win) + b - move backwards by word

Move by paragraph:

  • control(Mac) / alt(Linux/Win) + [ - move forward by paragraph
  • control(Mac) / alt(Linux/Win) + ] - move backwards by paragraph

Delete current line:

  • control(Mac) / alt(Linux/Win) + d - delete current line