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Demikernel's TCP/UDP Stack

Demikernel's TCP/UDP Stack

Build Test

Catnip is a TCP/IP stack that focuses on being an embeddable, low-latency solution for user-space networking.

This project is a component of Demikernel - a libOS architecture for kernel-bypass devices.

To read more about Demikernel check out

Building and Running

1. Clone This Repository

export WORKDIR=$HOME                                  # Change this to whatever you want.
cd $WORKDIR                                           # Switch to working directory.
git clone # Clone.
cd $WORKDIR/inetstack                                 # Switch to repository's source tree.

2. Install Prerequisites

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh    # Get Rust toolchain.

3. Build**


4. Run Regression Tests (Optional)

make test

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.

Usage Statement

This project is a prototype. As such, we provide no guarantees that it will work and you are assuming any risks with using the code. We welcome comments and feedback. Please send any questions or comments to one of the following maintainers of the project:

By sending feedback, you are consenting that it may be used in the further development of this project.