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.netstandard support

Open bezysoftware opened this issue 8 years ago • 3 comments

Are you planning to add .netstandard target support?


bezysoftware avatar Jul 24 '16 16:07 bezysoftware

There is a pull request with .NET Core support (basically .net standard AFAIK).

However there is a breaking change with PCL library (not Silverlight-compatible anymore). I hope next week I'll have time to sort things out and release a new build.

demigor avatar Jul 25 '16 11:07 demigor

I assume you mean #48 I had a quick look and I think it's missing one think - project.json which would specify which version of .netstandard it's targeting. Without it it will be just a PCL targeting .netcore

bezysoftware avatar Jul 25 '16 18:07 bezysoftware

No updates?

bezysoftware avatar Sep 18 '16 09:09 bezysoftware