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The Configurable Math Library
Configurable Math Library
For CML version 1, please see
The Configurable Math Library (CML) is released under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0..
Using the CML
As it is header-only, it is simple enough to copy the cml
header directory into your project and setup your build to reference it. Users of CMake 3.15+ can also leverage cmake --install ...
and find_package(CML CONFIG)
to integrate CML into a CMake project.
Compiler requirements
At the moment, the CML requires the following compiler features (listed as CMake target_compile_features(...)
flags here):
Running Tests
To run the test suite from a command prompt using a Makefile-like generator, start in your build directory and execute:
Then, to build the tests (again from your build directory):
cmake --build . --config Release
You can run the full test suite from your build directory by executing:
ctest -C Release
If you have multiple CPUs (e.g. 4 in this case), you can speed things up a bit using, for example:
cmake --build . --config Release -- -j4
ctest -C Release -j4
See .travis.yml for supported XCode, Clang, and GCC versions, and .appveyor.yml for supported Visual Studio versions.