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WiRL: RESTful Library for Delphi
This code: ``` if IsAbsoluteUrl(LValue) then Result := LValue else Result := Result + LValue; ``` will overwrite any previous parameter if a subsequent one contains the colon character in...
In the Helloworld Echo demo by entering the string "%0AThis is a test!" the encode is not working correctly.
This function, aside from creating other issues (will post them soon), seems incomplete. There's an IF...THEN statement that ends in limbo.
Nella demo HelloWord c'è l'esempio di un POST MultiPart (PostMultiPartExample), sul client però non c'è, come si implementa lato client? Grazie.
- Exception.ClassName always returned "Exception", defaul fixed to be empty string - FServerException did overwrite LMessage even when reading FServerException from JSON failed, few fixes for this: * If we...
This is a Delphi REST API server. I hope that it can have a high rank in the [Techempower](https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r20) Please create a simple plain text and Json GET API then...
I need to write a custom MessageBodyReader (and MessageBodyWriter, this already works) to handle the `TBytes` type, such that this particular dynamic array type would be treated as a byte...
Hello, I have a question, how to add more parameters to a GET method using PathParam? example, add {name} for filter in function GetOrder (request url http://localhost:8080/rest/app/order/id=3&name=person1) 
Hello, using the demo for openapi I got issues if in the browser I write "http://localhost:8080/rest/app/openapi" without final "/". If is as designed it should not create exception "file not...