sqldelight-sqlite-wasm copied to clipboard
Experimenting with SQLite WASM running with SQLDelight
This is a proof-of-concept showing SQLDelight running with the SQLite project's WebAssembly build.
This project uses the Origin-Private FileSystem storage method to persist the database.
Build Requirements
This repository is set up to build as-is right away, however it does a couple of special things.
- This project currently uses SNAPSHOT builds of SQLDelight.
- SQLite's WebAssembly builds are not distributed through NPM, so a couple of custom tasks are set up in
to download and extract the required static resources.
Using the sqlite-wasm driver
Copy the sqlite.worker.js
In code, load the SQLDelight worker driver with this worker script.
val worker = Worker(js("""new URL("sqlite.worker.js", import.meta.url)""").unsafeCast<String>())
val driver: SqlDriver = WebWorkerDriver(worker)
// Use your driver!
Make sure that you've also followed the build requirements section to ensure that the static sqlite-wasm files are also in your project's resources.