@freak12techno @serkor1 Thanks for the report! Keplr only supports Ledger Cosmos App and will continue to do for a long time. Evmos does not yet support the Cosmos App. So...
@Reecepbcups Thanks for the report! Keplr dashboard displays a window for chain connection approval for each chain to clearly show users which chain they are connected to. We currently support...
@joe-bowman Thanks for the report. We will fix it soon.
@joe-bowman It's fixed!
좋은 글 감사합니다~!
gatsby-starter-blog로 블로그를 만들어 운영중이었는데 적용하신 feature들이 마음에 들어 이거로 바꾸려고 합니다ㅎㅎ 잘 쓰겠습니다!
이제야 조금씩 마이그레이션 하기 시작했는데 혹시 폰트나 레이아웃 너비 등 약간 커스터마이징해서 사용해도 될까요?
thanks for the suggestion! we'll consider putting that option on the roadmap in the near future.
The feature to show ERC20 tokens is buggy now and has been removed for a while from Keplr Wallet. We're currently preparing the redesign as Keplr Wallet 2.0, so it's...
Thank you for raising the issue! @lkatkus Web app integration (which is added to Discover Apps section on Keplr mobile app) is managed by us, so we haven't created any...